
Neglected Tropical Diseases in South Asian Region

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March 17, 2018

What is the issue?

  • South Asian region has recorded a notable progress in eliminating and containing various diseases.
  • However, the status of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in the South Asian region calls for a last-mile push.

What are the health achievements in South Asia?

  • Maternal and neonatal tetanus has been eliminated.
  • HIV, TB and malaria epidemics have been halted and reversed after decades of struggle.
  • These will hopefully be ended altogether in the coming years.
  • Regional - India is now yaws-free.
  • Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand have eliminated lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem.
  • Nepal is in the process of validating the elimination of trachoma as a public health problem.
  • Nepal also maintained the elimination target for kala-azar for more than 3 consecutive years.
  • By the end of 2017, 100% of sub-districts in Bangladesh and 90% of blocks in India had done the same.
  • As a whole, the region remains responsible for the world’s largest preventive chemotherapy campaign.

What are the shortfalls?

  • NTDs include diseases like leprosy, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and kala-azar.
  • As the name suggests, NTDs take their most severe toll on the poor and marginalised communities.
  • The political influence of these sections is limited and their health needs are often overlooked.
  • Evidently, South Asian region has eliminated leprosy as a public health problem.
  • But the disease continues to circulate among vulnerable communities.
  • They accounts for more than 60% of leprosy-caused grade two disabilities worldwide.
  • Similarly, several member countries have eliminated lymphatic filariasis.
  • However, its burden continues to haunt communities in remote and hard-to-reach areas elsewhere.
  • Region-wide, 53% of all people require mass drug administration to stay free of this disfiguring disease.

What is the way forward?

  • No member country of the South Asian region can be complacent as one of the 20 NTDs is endemic to each of them.
  • Stable domestic funding for national programmes is central to taking forward the progress achieved so far.
  • Member countries must ensure programming is both dynamic and flexible i.e. pursuing large-scale campaigns as well as working creatively across sectors.
  • Going for mass drug administration where appropriate and strengthening NTD-related services at the primary level are essential.
  • Simultaneously, specific efforts such as roping in agro-engineers in the battle against schistosomiasis can be taken up.
  • Similarly, vector control must be actively pursued and harnessed by programmes at the local level.
  • These can have immediate and substantial impact on disease transmission in NTD-affected areas.
  • Importantly, member countries should take full advantage of innovations in research and technology.
  • The effective use of rapid diagnostics can facilitate swift and accurate diagnosis of a range of NTDs.
  • IT infrastructure should be integrated with existing surveillance systems to allow programme managers to gather, analyse and act on real-time data.
  • Ensuring all communities have access to health services and the benefits they provide is essential to make them free of NTDs.


Source: Business Line

Quick Fact

Preventive Chemotherapy Campaign

  • This is a public health strategy recommended by WHO against a set of Neglected Tropical Diseases.
  • Preventive Chemotherapy consists of the regular, large-scale administration of drugs, either alone or in combination.
  • It is administered to entire population groups, with the aim of reducing transmission and associated morbidity.

Lymphatic filariasis

  • Lymphatic filariasis is commonly known as elephantiasis.
  • It is caused by infection with parasites classified as nematodes (roundworms), which are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitoes are infected with microfilariae by ingesting blood when biting an infected host.
  • Infection is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system.
  • Its visible manifestations may occur later in life, causing temporary or permanent disability.


  • Schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms.
  • People are infected during routine agricultural, domestic, occupational, and recreational activities, which expose them to infested water.
  • Water contamination due to excreta containing parasite eggs, which hatch in water, is also a mode of transmission.


  • Trachoma is a disease of the eye caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
  • It causes blindness or visual impairment. It is the cause for about 1.4% of all blindness worldwide.
  • Blindness from trachoma is irreversible.
  • Environmental risk factors influencing the transmission of the disease include:
  1. poor hygiene
  2. crowded households
  3. water shortage
  4. inadequate latrines and sanitation facilities


  • Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), also known as kala-azar, is caused by the protozoan Leishmania parasites.
  • It is transmitted to humans through infected sandflies.
  • The parasite migrates to the internal organs such as the liver, spleen, and bone marrow; if left untreated, it may result in death.
  • It is characterized by irregular bouts of fever, weight loss, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and anaemia.
  • It is endemic to the Indian subcontinent in 119 districts in four countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal).
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