
NITI Aayog’s Healthcare Plan

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December 31, 2019

What is the issue?

  • The NITI Aayog has proposed a 15-year plan for Indian healthcare.
  • There is a concern that the arrangements in this proposal would deprive the personal touch in the health care of a patient.

Why is there such a concern?

  • A health care company had set-up a prolific prototypical multispecialty group practice in the U.S.,
  • There was a concern that such arrangements would be bereft of the personal touch in patient care were vociferously raised.
  • This continued through the evolution of more organised structures like Health Maintenance Organisations (HMOs) in the forthcoming years.
  • This were criticised for turning healthcare into a marketable commodity sold by unfeeling healthcare providers in supermarket-like institutions.

Why is this problematic proposition?

  • The NITI Aayog’s report entitled as “Health Systems for a New India: Building Blocks - Potential Pathways to Reform” outlines prospects of such an infelicitous turn in Indian healthcare.
  • While the report makes otherwise worthy proposals for health system strengthening the proposal to consolidate small practices into larger business-like organisations appears problematic on multiple fronts.
  • That nearly 98% of healthcare providers have less than 10 employees is identified as a negative trait, to be dealt with through a set of incentives and disincentives favouring consolidation.
  • Apart from cost and competition-related concerns, an enthusiastic pursuit of it could portend commodification of healthcare from the bottom-up.
  • The report’s bent towards the U.S. HMO model further adds to such a foreboding.

Why a patient-physician relationship is needed?

  • Loyalty and longitudinality form vital pillars of this relationship.
  • The structure of these is built upon a substratum of mutual trust, warmth, and understanding that accrues over time between a patient and their personal physician.
  • Momentary and haphazardly physician-patient interactions in a system that limits access to one’s ‘physician of choice’ are incapable of fostering such enduring relationships.
  • It is in this context that the role of a family physician becomes instrumental.
  • A family physician’s longitudinal relationship with their patient helps in a better understanding of the patient’s needs and expectations and in avoiding unnecessary clinical hassles and encounters.
  • This in turn reflects in better outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.
  • Widespread commercialisation of care over the past few decades has entailed that the family physician is a dying breed in India today.

What are the advantages of small clinics?

  • Studies show that healthcare received in small clinics scores higher in terms of patient satisfaction than that received in larger institutions.
  • This increased satisfaction manifests as better compliance with the treatment regimen and regular follow-ups, culminating in improved clinical outcomes.
  • Disregard for this aspect in health services design is bound to entail a sizeable cost to the health system.
  • However, the non-urgent nature of this problem keeps it from assuming significance to policy-makers.
  • As a result of which doctor-patient relationship considerations are largely invisibilized in the policy discourse in favour of more pressing concerns like lack of funds and manpower.
  • As India looks forward to a long-term healthcare plan, neglecting this consideration could be of sizeable consequence.

What is the need for empathy?

  • Myth - Considerations regarding emotive aspects of healthcare such as empathy and trust are disparate from hard-headed health policy and system design considerations.
  • Reality - These considerations are entirely agreeable to cultivation through careful, evidence-based manipulation of the health system design and its components.
  • It would necessitate, among other measures, installing an inbuilt family physician ‘gatekeeper’ in the health services system who acts as the first port of call for every registered patient.
  • The NITI Aayog’s long-term plan provides a good opportunity to envisage such long-called-for reforms, but that would require not the U.S. model but the U.K. model to be kept at the forefront for emulation.
  • We have already taken an encouraging step by introducing Attitude, Ethics, and Communication (AETCOM) in the revised undergraduate medical curriculum.
  • The plan needs to be revisited to ensure that healthcare clinics delivering patient care don’t transform into veritable supermarket stores marketing medical services any further.


Source: The Hindu

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