
Patient’s Bill of Rights

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March 30, 2017

What is the issue?

  • Most of the times in India patients are less aware of their rights.
  • There is no law to deal with patient’s rights, except some aspects of the Consumer Protection Act.
  • The patient’s bill of rights, will address an information lag in medical delivery in the country.

What are the needed rights?

  • Every patient is entitled to quality healthcare and treatment consistent with available resources and accepted medical standards, regardless of caste, creed or religion.
  • A patient has the right to information about doctors.
  • The patient’s relatives have a right to know about the condition of the patient, immediately after life-saving measures are instituted.
  • They have a right to participate in the decision related to the treatment, especially if it is an end of life situation.
  • The pros and cons of using invasive life-support devices and the chances for cure have to be clearly explained to patients in understandable language.
  • The patient has a right to information, in non-clinical terms, on complications, risks, benefits, and alternative treatments and the chance of cure or benefit.
  • Every patient has the right to refuse treatment and to be informed of the consequences of his/her refusal.
  • A patient has the right to respectful treatment. This means that a patient’s dignity is paramount to healthcare. e.g It is highly unethical to use measures to prolong oxygenation after vital systems have stopped working spontaneously.
  • The patient has the right to care and treatment in a safe environment.
  • The patient can to refuse to participate in any research projects.
  • A patient also has the right to privacy and confidentiality on matters concerning medical care.
  • Every hospital should have a charter which shall identify the roles and responsibilities of hospital staff towards patients’ and families’ rights.


Source: Indian Express

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