
PMFBY Needs a Relook

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August 18, 2020

What is the issue?

  • Five years after its inception in 2016-17, the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) has run into rough weather.
  • PMFBY needs a relook, as many States are opting out of it.

What is PMFBY?

  • PMFBY is a flagship crop insurance scheme, launched in 2016.
  • It is aimed at reducing agricultural distress at instances of monsoon fluctuations induced price risks.
  • It fixes a uniform premium of just 2% to be paid by farmers for Kharif crops and 1.5% for Rabi crops.
  • The premium for annual commercial and horticultural crops will be 5%.

Why States are opting out?

  • Farmers are dissatisfied with both the level of compensation and delays in settlement.
  • Insurance companies have shown no interest in bidding for clusters that are prone to crop loss.
  • States (Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Jharkhand and now Gujarat) are opting out of the scheme.
  • These States are launching their own versions.
  • They couldn’t deal with a situation where these companies compensate farmers less than the premium they have collected from them and the Centre.

What would be the impact, if not opted out?

  • The sums can be serious for the States, given the current levels of fiscal stress.
  • If this amount is not to benefit farmers directly, States run the risk of being accused of aiding insurance companies rather than farmers.

What did the companies do?

  • In Maharashtra’s Beed cluster, farmers are up against the State government and insurance companies for not settling earlier claims.
  • The insurance companies have decided to stay out of bids for this region for the current season.
  • It is in the nature of the insurance business for entities to make money when crop failures are low and vice-versa.
  • Over the last three years, insurance companies have collectively paid claims amounting to about 85% of the premium collected.
  • There is a troublesome issue of 50% of farmers’ insurance dues being funnelled into less than 50 districts.
  • This raises questions on whether the scheme is being gamed by a few.

What needs to be done?

  • The task ahead is to sweeten the deal for farmers and insurance companies.
  • Clusters - The States are struggling to find insurers for its clusters.
  • Insurance companies should bid for a cluster for about 3 years.
  • By this, they get a better chance to handle both good and bad years.
  • Bids - The bids should be closed before the onset of the kharif/rabi season.
  • At present, bids remain open even as the monsoon is in progress.
  • As a result, farmers may feel persuaded to buy an insurance policy when the weather is adverse, even as the insurer wants to exit the cluster.
  • Change of product - The farmer is not enthused by crop insurance despite the 95-98% subsidy on premium.
  • So, it means that the product per se needs improvement.
  • Farmers deserve a better choice of insurance products to meet the specifics of each crop or region.
  • For this, insurance companies should be offered more freedom to operate.
  • Beed ‘model’ – In this model, a company assumes liability only up to 110% of the premium collected or shares gains in a good year with the State government.
  • For now, this model can emerge as a way out of the current mess.


Source: Business Line

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