
Prelim Bits 07-07-2018

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July 07, 2018

NASA Solar Probe

  • NASA plans to send its first robotic spacecraft “Parker Solar Probe” to the Sun.
  • It will travel directly into the sun’s atmosphere about 4 million miles from the star’s surface.
  • The mission is to study why the surface of the Sun, called the photosphere, is not as hot as its atmosphere, called the corona.
  • The surface temperature of the Sun is only about 5,500°C but the atmosphere above it is an over two million degrees Celsius.
  • The mission may also ascertain why the Sun occasionally emits high-energy particles that are a danger to unprotected astronauts and spacecraft.
  • Recent Development - NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has recently got its revolutionary heat shield permanently attached to the spacecraft.
  • The shield is made of superheated carbon composite material sprayed with a specifically formulated white coating on the sun facing side to reflect the sun’s energy away from the spacecraft.
  • As the spacecraft approach the sun, temperatures on the heat shield will reach nearly 1,3000C but the spacecraft will be kept at about 300C.
  • The shield will help the spacecraft remain safe as it collects data about the inner workings of the corona.

Temperature in the Sun’s Atmosphere

  • The sun’s atmosphere corona is much hotter than its visible surface Photosphere.
  • Normally, the layer closest to a source of heat, the Sun’s surface, in this case, would have a higher temperature than the more distant atmosphere.
  • But the reason for the high temperature is the constant eruption of tiny solar flares in the solar atmosphere.
  • The solar flares produce hard X-rays, whose wavelengths are much shorter than the light humans can see and it is a signature of extremely hot solar material.

Mudumalai Tiger Reserve

  • Mudumalai Tiger Reserve is a critical part of the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve.
  • The reserve, comprising the wildlife sanctuary and the national park, was declared a core tiger habitat in 2007.
  • It extends over a core area of 321 sq.km and buffer area of 367 sq.km.
  • Union Ministry of Environment has recently issued notification declaring 438 sq.km of area around the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve as an ecosensitive zone.
  • The notification followed a Supreme Court order calling for an eco-sensitive zone around all national parks
  • The declaration of an eco-sensitive zone would place restrictions on polluting industries but it would not stop agriculture activities in the area.
  • The following activities are restricted/prohibited in the eco-sensitive zone,
  1. Commercial mining,
  2. Setting up of industries causing pollution,
  3. Establishment of major hydroelectric projects,
  4. Use or production or processing of any hazardous substances,
  5. Discharge of untreated effluents into natural water bodies or land area and
  6. Setting up of new saw mills or brick kilns.
  • But resorts already present in the area would not be forced to stop functioning.

Gaming University

  • The UNESCO, specialised agency of United Nations, entered into an agreement with the Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board for the establishment of a gaming digital learning hub.
  • Visakhapatnam will soon have a Design university for gaming.
  • The hub is seen as potential medium for creating around 50,000 jobs in 10 years.

Common Service Centre

  • The Common Service Center (CSC) Scheme is an integral part of “Digital India” initiative of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
  • CSCs are the access points for delivery of various electronic services to villages.
  • In addition to it, CSCs promote rural entrepreneurship, community participation and collective action for social change.
  • CSC e-Governance Services India Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV) incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 to monitor the implementation of the Common Services Centers Scheme.
  • Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) under CSCs provide service to the rural consumer in villages.
  • Recent development – CSC SPV has entered into agreement with HDFC Bank.
  • This is to enable its three lakh Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) managing the Common Services Centers operate  as Banking Correspondents of HDFC Bank.
  • They will support the Government initiative to promote financial inclusion and make banking services more accessible in rural areas.
  • HDFC Bank will support CSC SPV in converting 1000 identified villages into Digital Villages within this financial year.

Stree Swabhiman

  • Stree Swabhiman is an initiative under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for promoting women’s menstrual health and hygiene.
  • Under this initiative, CSC SPV will provide access to affordable, reliable and modern (eco-friendly) sanitary napkins to adolescent girls and women in rural areas.
  • Under this initiative, semi-automatic and manual sanitary napkin manufacturing units will be set up at CSC for producing sanitary napkins.
  • HDFC Bank will also support CSC SPV by funding Stree Swabhiman Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing Units.

Adopt a Heritage Project

  • It is a key initiative of Ministry of Tourism in close collaboration with Ministry of Culture and Archeological Survey of India (ASI).
  • It aims to encourage public / private sector companies and corporate citizens / NGOs  / individuals to take up the responsibility of development, operation and maintenance of State heritage and other important tourist sites in India.
  • They will be considered as “Monument Mitras” for the development of tourist amenities.
  • In April this year, Dalmia Bharat Group won a bid to take over the maintenance of 'Red Fort', after it signed a memorandum with the Government of India.
  • Recently, one of the heritage site in Delhi has got a monument mitra for its development.


Source: The Hindu, PIB

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