
Prelim Bits 14-07-2017

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July 14, 2017

Technology and Innovation Support Centre (TISC) 

  • Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Punjab state council of Science and Technology has signed an agreement to establish TISC.
  • TISC in Punjab is the India’s first TISC under the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s (WIPO) TISC program.
  • It provides innovators in developing countries with access to locally based, high quality technology information and related services.
  • The objective is to stimulate a balanced IPR system in India to foster creativity and innovation, thereby promoting entrepreneurship and enhancing social, economic and cultural development.

Sustainable Development Goals Index

  • India is ranked 116 out of 157 nations on a global index that assesses the performance of countries towards achieving the 17 ambitious SDG.
  • It is produced by Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
  • Sweden leads the list, followed by Denmark and Finland.
  • India is ranked behind countries such as Nepal, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and China.

Solar Projects in India

  • India’s Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) has compulsory domestic-sourcing clause in its solar energy generation programme.
  • WTO has ruled against the domestic sourcing clause and calls for its abolition of it by this year end. And India is hopeful of adhering to WTO’s rule.
  • Fresh projects under the third phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) will not have the local-sourcing regulation.
  • The JNNSM aims to add 100GW of solar power by 2022.
  • The mission is one of the several initiatives that are part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change.

Saraswati – Supercluster of Galaxies

  • A team of Indian scientists has reported the discovery of a ‘supercluster’ of galaxies and named it Saraswati.
  • It is located four billion light years away from Earth.
  • Galaxies are themselves made of billions of stars and planets, and a cluster typically contains several hundreds of these galaxies.
  • Superclusters, a group of clusters of galaxies, are the largest structures of stars, planets and other heavenly bodies in the universe.
  • The Milky Way galaxy, of which Earth is a very small member, is part of the Laniakea supercluster, which was identified only in 2014.

Tiwa Tribe

  • Tiwa tribes are indigenous ethnic groups inhabiting the states of Assam and Meghalaya.
  • A striking peculiarity of the Tiwa is their division into two sub-groups, Hill Tiwa and Plains Tiwas, displaying much contrasted cultural features.
  • The Hill Tiwas live in Karbi-Anglong (Assam) and Northeastern corner of Meghalaya and practice “Slash and Burn” method of farming.
  • Plains Tiwas live on the flat lands of the Southern bank of the Brahmaputra valley and influenced wet rice cultivation methods, and rice has become their major crop
  • Tiwa, or Lalung, is a Tibeto-Burman language of Assam in North East India.
  • Panthai Langa is one of the rituals practised by them, which is meant to worship the deities of nature.
  • Tiwa people who live in the hills are not permitted to prepare their paddy field for the next harvest before performing Panthai Langa ritual.

Jhum Cultivation

  • Jhum cultivation, also known as the slash and burn agriculture, is the process of clearing vegetative/forest cover on land/slopes of hills, drying and burning it before onset of monsoon and cropping on it thereafter.
  • The burnt soil contains potash which increases the nutrient content of the soil.
  • After harvest, this land is left fallow and vegetative regeneration is allowed on it till the plot becomes reusable for same purpose in a cycle.
  • The cultivation is locally called as “Podu” in A.P, “Dahi and Koman”, “Penda” in Central India, “Bewar” in M.P.
  • It is also called as Ladang in Indonesia, Caingin in Philippines, Milpa in central America & Mexico, Ray in Vietnam, Taungya In Myanmar , Tamrai in Thailand, Chena in Sri Lanka, Conuco in Venezuela, Roca in Brazil, Masole in central Africa.

PEG ratio

  • It is a metric used to evaluate the attractiveness of a stock by comparing its price-to-earnings ratio with its earnings growth.
  • It is calculated by dividing the price-to-earnings ratio by the annual earnings growth rate.
  • For example, the PEG ratio would suggest that a stock with a low PE is not necessarily a better buy than a stock with high PE.


Source : PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Business Standard

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Ezhil gold shelton 7 years

What is meant by domestic sourcing clause?



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