
Prelim Bits 28-12-2018

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December 28, 2018


  • National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) is headed by Chairman, CWC and representatives from State Governments and PSUs, it will be reconstituted from time to time.
  • The objectives/mandates of NCDS are:
  1. To oversee dam safety activities in various States and suggest improvements to bring these in line with the latest state-of-art consistently with Indian conditions.
  2. To act as a forum of exchange of views on techniques adopted for remedial measures to relieve distress.
  3. To monitor the follow-up action on the report on dam safety procedures.
  4. To recommend any other measures connected with dam safety.
  • Prime responsibility of preparation of Disaster Management Plan (DMP)/ Emergency Action Plan (EAP) rests with dam owners which are State Governments, central and state PSUs, municipalities and private companies etc.
  • NCDS will request State Governments/ Dam owners to prepare the DMPs/ EAPs of each large dam as per guidelines of Central Water Commission. 


  • Bidder Information Management System (BIMS) was launched by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.
  • It is aimed at streamlining the process of prequalification of bidders for EPC Mode of contracts for National Highway works with enhanced transparency and objectivity.
  • The portal will work as a database of information about bidders, covering basic details, civil works experience, cash accruals and network, annual turnover etc.
  • BIMS portal will significantly reduce the procurement time for projects through an objective and transparent online evaluation system thereby leading to accelerated project implementation.

Bhoomi Rashi

  • It is a portal developed by MoRTH and NIC, comprises the entire revenue data of the country, right down to 6.4 lakh villages.
  • The entire process flow for land acquisition from issuing notifications for land acquisition, submission of draft notification by the State Government to its approval will be carried out by the portal.
  • Bhoomi Rashi portal has been instrumental in reducing the time taken for approval and publication of notifications pertaining to land acquisition


  • PFMS, earlier known as Central Plan Schemes Monitoring System (CPSMS), is a web-based online software application.
  • It is developed and implemented by the Office of Controller General of Accounts.
  • It is launched with the objective of tracking funds released under all Plan schemes of GoI, and real time reporting of expenditure at all levels of Programme implementation.
  • In 2013, its scope was enlarged to cover direct payment to beneficiaries under both Plan and non-Plan Schemes.
  • In 2014, it has been envisaged that digitization of accounts shall be achieved through PFMS.
  • The biggest strength of PFMS is its integration with the Core banking system.
  • Recently union government proposed the Integration of PFMS with Bhoomi Rashi, to facilitate payment related to compensation for land acquisition to all the beneficiaries directly through the Bhoomi Rashi system.


  • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) is being implemented to expand cultivated area with assured irrigation, reduce wastage of water and improve water use efficiency.
  • The scheme will be implemented by Ministries of Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development.
  • The major objective of PMKSY is to expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop).
  • PMKSY has been conceived amalgamating ongoing schemes viz.
  1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of the Ministry of Water Resources,
  2. River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR,RD&GR),
  3. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) of Department of Land Resources (DoLR).
  4. On Farm Water Management (OFWM) of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC).

High Nitrogen Steel

  • High nitrogen steel (HNS) is corrosion-resistant material, it has better holistic capabilities and mechanical properties than rolled homogenous armor steel and imported metals.
  • The potential applications of HNS include combat platforms like futuristic infantry combat vehicles, mine-protected vehicles, army bridges and army corridors.
  • In India Mishra Dhatu Nigam (MIDHANI), Hyderabad is having production capacity to manufacture high-nitrogen steel (HNS) for armor applications.
  • This steel is will be produced in commercial scale as part of transfer of technology from Defense Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL).


Source: PIB, Business Standard

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