
Prelim Bits 09-08-2019

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August 10, 2019

FAME India scheme phase II

  • Recently government has sanctioned 5,595 electric buses under Fame India Phase-II.
  • 'Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India(FAME) was launched to promote manufacturing of electric and hybrid vehicle and to ensure sustainable growth.
  • It was lauched by ‘Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises’.
  • The main objective is to encourage,
  1. Faster adoption of Electric and hybrid vehicle,
  2. Offering upfront Incentive on purchase of Electric vehicles,
  3. Establishing a necessary charging Infrastructure,
  4. To address environmental pollution and fuel security.
  • It will offer incentives to manufacturers investing in developing electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, electric motors.
  • The centre has asked states to frame their EV policy and provide additional fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to manufacturers and buyers.
  • Only buses priced up to Rs 2 crore, plug-in hybrids under Rs 15 lakh, 3-wheelers under Rs 5 lakh and 2-wheelers under Rs 1.5 lakh will be eligible for incentives.
  • It will also encourage interlinking of renewable energy sources with charging infrastructure.

National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC)

  • Recently Cabinet Secretary chairs NCMC meeting to review flood situation in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat.
  • It is a temporary committee set up by the Government in the wake of a natural calamity.
  • It is for effective coordination and implementation of relief measures and operations.
  • It oversee the command, control and coordination of the disaster response.
  • Composition-
  1. Cabinet Secretary - Chairperson
  2. Other members - Secretary to Prime Minister Member, Secretaries of Ministries/Departments with specific Disaster management responsibilities.
  • It gives direction to the ‘Crisis Management Group’ (CMG) as deemed necessary.


  • This group deals with matters relating to relief in the wake of major natural calamities.
  • It consists of Relief Commissioner (Chairman) and other nodal officers from various concerned Ministries.
  • Its functions are to review:
  1. The contingency plans formulated by various Ministries, Departments and Organizations in their respective sectors.
  2. Measures required for dealing with a natural disaster.
  3. Coordinate the activities of the Central Ministries and the State Governments in relation to disaster preparedness and relief.

Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB)

  • Recently a state-wise data of SRB was tabled by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Parliament.
  • The SRB in the country, defined as the number of female births per 1,000 male births.

  • It has improved from 914 to 919 between 2005-06 and 2015-16, National Family Health Surveys (NFHS).
  • The highest improvement was in Punjab at 126 points, but its SRB remained lowest among the states at 860 in NFHS-4.
  • The sharpest decline was in Sikkim, where the SRB dropped to 809, the lowest among all states in 2015-16.
  • The 2nd highest improvement in SRB was in Kerala, by 122 points from 925 in 2005-06.
  • Its 1,047 in 2015-16 was the highest SRB among all states.
  • SRB has been falling in states like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh.
  • In North Eastern states such as Sikkim, Assam the sex ratio at birth has fallen dramatically over 10 years.


Source: PIB, The Indian Express

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