
UPSC Daily Current Affairs| Prelim Bits 03-02-2025

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February 03, 2025

World Wetlands Day

Why in News?

India announced new Ramsar Sites on the World Wetlands Day recently.

World Wetlands Day, 2025

  • February 2 is annually marked as World Wetlands Day.
  • Aim - To spread awareness about conserving one of the most critical ecosystems on the planet.
  • Theme, 2025 - “Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future”.
  • Wetlands - Wetlands are regions covered by water either perennially or seasonally, such as marshes and lakes.
  • They are vital reservoirs of biodiversity, aid water conservation and provide habitat for numerous migratory birds, aquatic species, and plant life.
  • They also help recharge groundwater, control floods and support fisheries and local communities.
  • From the point of view of climate change mitigation, wetlands are important carbon sinks, absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they release.

Ramsar Convention

  • Ramsar Convention is an international treaty that aims to conserve wetlands and their resources.
  • It was the first modern treaty between nations to conserve natural resources
  • It was signed in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar and came into force in 1975.

Wetland Definition of Ramsar

  • These sites receive international support for conservation and management.
  • Pillars - Provides a framework for national action and international cooperation
  • Protects sites of global importance
  • Ensures the sustainable use and conservation of wetlands
  • Main bodies of the Ramsar Convention - The Conference of the Parties (COP) and Standing Committee.
  • There are currently over 2,400 Ramsar Sites around the world.
  • Ramsar sites in India - India has 89 Ramsar sites. Tamil Nadu has the most Ramsar sites at 20.
  • India recently announced 4 new Ramsar sites under the global agreement Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

Newly Added Ramsar Sites, 2025

Udhwa Lake



Tamil Nadu


Tamil Nadu




The Indian Express | World Wetlands Day


Why in News?

WHO verifies Niger as the 1st country in the African Region to eliminate Onchocerciasis.

  • Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, is a parasitic disease that affects the skin and eyes.
  • Caused by - Microscopic worm Onchocerca volvulus.
  • Symptoms

Symptoms of River Blindness

  • Transmission - Transmitted to humans by the bites of infected black flies (Genus - Simulium) that breed in fast-flowing rivers.
  • Vulnerable - More common in people who work in agriculture, especially those who live near rivers.
  • Early exposure to O. volvulus infection is associated with epilepsy in children.
  • Prone countries - Primarily affects rural populations in sub-Saharan Africa, and Yemen, with smaller endemic areas foci found in parts of Latin America.
  • Prevention - Onchocerciasis was brought under control in West Africa through the work of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme (OCP).
  • This was later supplemented by large-scale distribution of ivermectin since 1989.
  • The African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) was launched in 1995 with the objective of controlling onchocerciasis in the remaining endemic countries in Africa.
  • It is closed at the end of 2015 after beginning the transition to onchocerciasis elimination.
  • Treatment - Population-based treatment with Ivermectin is the current core strategy to eliminate onchocerciasis, with a minimum requirement of 80% therapeutic coverage.
  • Ivermectin is donated by Merck under the brand name of Mectizan.
  • Global status - More than 99% of infected people live in Africa and Yemen, the remaining 1% live on the border between Brazil and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
  • In 2023 at least 249.5 million people required preventive treatment against onchocerciasis.
  • Onchocerciasis free countries - Five countries have been verified by WHO as free of onchocerciasis after successfully implementing elimination activities for decades.
    • 4 in the region of the Americas - Colombia (2013), Ecuador (2014), Mexico (2015) and Guatemala (2016), and
    • 1 in Africa - Niger (2025).


WHO | Onchocersiasis

Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM)

Why in News?

Caribbean and North Brazil shelves (Large Marine Ecosystem) are recently brought under the initiative, Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM).

  • It is a collaborative framework to ensure a more inclusive and sustainable approach to ocean conservation in the wider carribean region.
  • Announced by - The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • It was conceived under the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Program (CLME+ SAP), endorsed by countries in the Wider Caribbean in 2014.
  • Implemented by - IOC Sub commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), UNESCO’s agency.
  • Covered areas - Caribbean Sea and North Brazil shelves.
  • Purpose - Foster collaboration among countries, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and key stakeholders.
  • Promotes blue carbon projects, which use coastal ecosystems for carbon storage, benefiting both the environment and local communities.
  • Coordinate and streamline actions such as sustainable fisheries, ecosystem restoration, pollution control, blue carbon development, marine spatial planning, and establishing marine protected areas.
  • Funding - It has secured an initial $15 million investment from the Global Environment Facility through the UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project for the period 2024–2028.
  • The initiative has also benefited from a substantial co-financing total of $126.02 million facilitated by the GEF.


Carribean Sea

North Brazil Shelf

  • The Caribbean Sea is a body of water adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, southeast of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The "North Brazil Shelf" refers to a large marine ecosystem (LME) located off the northeastern coast of South America.


  • Bordered by - Venezuela, Colombia and Panama to the south,
  • Central American countries (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize) on the west,
  • Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico) on the north and
  • Lesser Antilles on the east.
  • Extending from the Caribbean Sea boundary near Venezuela to the Parnaiba River estuary in Brazil.
  • The deepest site in this sea is the Cayman Trench between Cuba and Jamaica
  • It's characterized by a wide continental shelf significantly influenced by the Amazon River's discharge and the North Brazil Current.
  • The Wider Caribbean Region includes 35 states and territories that border 2 interconnected watersheds- the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
  • It includes 6 countries, highly productive region with diverse marine life including numerous fish species and shrimp populations.


Down to Earth | Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM)

Black Kite

Why in News?

Recently, an article suggested that black kites have nesting habitats at a tower structure in Chennai.

  • Black Kite – It is a bird of prey, and a migratory bird extends to an extremely large range of habitats.
  • Scientific Name – Milvus migrans.
  • It is often called Fork-Tailed Kites.
  • Habitat Close access to water bodies such as rivers, ponds, lakes, and wetlands, woodlands, grassland, and open savannas.
  • DistributionTropical portions of Australasia, Eurasia, and Africa.
  • MorphologyMedium-sized raptors, dorsal, ventral and tail color is brown  with darker brown striped feathers within.
  • It has small, bead-like dark brown eyes and a large black, hook-shaped beak, long black talons, and pale-yellow legs.

Black Kite

  • Sexual dimorphism
    • Female – It has a slightly larger body size than males, though they feature similar coloration.
  • CharacteristicsIt typically lives in social groups.
  • It migrates from Europe and northern Asia, wintering in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia.
  • It has well-developed intraspecific communication and very loud vocalizing.
  • DietAn extremely versatile feeder, it takes carrion, birds, mammals, fish, lizards, amphibians, invertebrates, and forage on vegetable matter such as palm oil fruits.
  • Threats Poisoning
    • Shooting
    • Electrocution by power lines
    • Pollution of water by pesticides and other chemicals
    • Vulnerable to the effects of wind energy development.
  • Conservation Status
    • IUCN – Least Concern.
    • CITES – Appendix II.
    • Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 – Schedule-II.


  1. The Hindu| Nesting activity by Black kites
  2. ABW| Black kite’s Habitat & Distribution
  3. Birdlife| Black kite’s Diet, Threats & Conservation


One Liners 03-02-2025

Polity & Governance

Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)

PM Jan Arogya Yojana to now provide health cover for gig workers.

  • Launched in2018.
  • Umbrella scheme – Ayushman Bharat.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare.
  • PM-JAY – It is the largest health assurance scheme in the world.
  • Aim – To provide a health cover for family, secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to poor and vulnerable families.
  • It was earlier known as the National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS).

Pradhan Mantri Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana

  • Launched in2025.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare.
  • Coverage100 districts with low productivity, moderate crop intensity, and below-average parameters.
  • Objectives – Enhance agricultural productivity.
    • Adopt crop diversification and sustainable agricultural practices.
    • Augment post-harvest storage at panchayat and block level.
    • Improve irrigation facilities.
    • Facilitate availability of long- and short-term credit.
  • It is also known as Developing Agri-Districts Programme.

Tailings Policy

  • Launched in2025.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Mines.
  • Concept – A policy for recovery of valuable critical minerals from mining tailings, which are the left-over materials from the processing of mined ore.
  • Objectives – It further bolsters the objectives of the National Critical Mineral Mission.
  • The good tailings management will increase domestic availability of critical minerals.
  • It will strengthen strategic industries, including clean energy, semiconductors, defense, and space.
  • It also promote the domestic processing industry.

Bharatiya Bhasha Pustak Scheme

  • Launched in2025.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Education.
  • Concept – To provide digital books in Indian languages for school and higher education students.
  • Aim – To make learning more accessible by offering study materials in regional languages.
  • Accessibility – Students across schools and universities will have access to textbooks and learning resources in digital formats.


Important Ramsar sites in India

Harike wetlands

  • It is one of the largest man-made wetlands of northern India.
  • Located in – Confluence of the river Beas and Sutlez at the Ferozepur and Amritsar border, Punjab.
  • Wetland status in1990.
  • Important species – It hosts migratory birds like the Siberian crane, bar-headed geese, and many waterfowl.
  • It is also known as Harike Pattan.

Kanjli wetlands

  • It is one of the man-made wetlands in India.
  • Located in – Kapurthala district along the Kali Bein river, Punjab.
  • Wetland status in2002.
  • Important species – It hosts various fish species, turtles and migratory birds.

Ropar Wetlands

  • It is a man-made freshwater riverine.
  • Located in – Banks of the Sutlej River, Punjab.
  • Wetland status in2002.
  • Important species – About 154 species of birds have been identified till now and housing over 20,000 water birds.

Nangal Wetlands

  • It is a human-made reservoir constructed as part of the Bhakra-Nangal Project in 1961.
  • Located in – Foothills of Shiwalik in the state of Punjab.
  • Wetland status in2019.
  • Important species – It is home to over 40,000 migratory birds that come to India annually during the winter.


State Mining Index (SMI)

  • SMI – It is a transformative step that will enhance professionalization of state mining departments.
  • Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Mines.
  • Objectives – It will encouraging state to innovate and adopt best practices in mineral exploration, auctioning, and sustainable mining.
  • It will drive efficiency, attract investments, and unlock the immense potential of our mineral resources.


World Forum of Accountants (WOFA) 2025

  • WOFA – A global gathering of accounting and finance professionals dedicated to shaping the future of the profession.
  • It provides a global platform to address the evolving landscape of finance.
  • Theme – Accountability Meets Innovation (AI): For a Sustainable Planet.
  • Aim – To inspire innovative approaches to environmental management and conservation.


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