
UPSC Daily Current Affairs | Prelim Bits 21-08-2024

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August 21, 2024


A luxury yacht in Mediterranean Sea was hit and sank by a violent storm, could be a waterspout off the coast of Sicily, Italy.

  • Waterspout – It is essentially a tornado over water that is a large column of air and mist rotating over a water body.

Waterspout 1

  • Favourable Condition - They occur when there are high levels of humidity and relatively warm water temperatures compared to the overlying air.
  • Size & Physical characteristics- The average waterspout can be around 165 feet in diameter, with wind speeds of 100 kilometres per hour.
  • Duration - It typically lasts for around 5 minutes and occasionally it can last up to 10 minutes.
  • Occurrence - Although waterspouts are more common in tropical waters, they can appear anywhere.
  • Types of waterspouts - Tornadic waterspouts and Fair-weather waterspouts.

Types of waterspouts

  • Tornadic Waterspouts They are actual tornadoes that form over water or move from land to water.
    • They are accompanied by severe thunderstorms, high winds and seas, large hail, and frequent dangerous lightning.
    • Tornadic waterspouts develop downward in a thunderstorm.
    • They can be large and may lead to considerable destruction.
  • Fair-weather waterspouts – They form over only water usually along the dark flat base of a line of developing cumulus clouds.
    • It develops on the surface of the water and works its way upward.
    • This type of waterspout is generally not associated with thunderstorms.
    • Favourable condition - They are formed during fair weather.
    • Movement - Fair weather waterspouts form in light wind conditions so they normally move very little.
    • Typically, fair weather waterspouts dissipate rapidly when they make landfall, and rarely penetrate far inland.
    • They are less dangerous and usually small.
  • Increased frequency of occurrence With increase in sea surface temperature, the frequency of waterspouts is increasing.
  • The best way to avoid a waterspout is to move at a 90-degree angle to its apparent movement.


  1. IndianExpress | Waterspouts
  2. NOAA | Waterspouts


‘2+2’ dialogue of India and Japan

Recently, India and Japan held the 3rd edition of the "2+2" Foreign and Defence Ministerial Dialogue.

  • Objective- The dialogue focused on deepening defence cooperation and ensuring a free, open, and rules-based Indo-Pacific amidst China's growing military presence in the region.

Key Outcomes of the meeting

  • ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) - Both the countries strongly supported ASEAN's unity and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).
  • It emphasizes principles like openness, transparency, inclusivity, and respect for international law.
  • Special Strategic and Global Partnership- It aims to strengthen bilateral security and defence cooperation under Japan's 2022 National Security Strategy, recognizing it as a key pillar of the Japan-India Special Strategic and Global Partnership.
  • Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) - Emphasized the role of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, welcoming increased participation in peacekeeping operations.
  • Defence Cooperation- India aims to become a developed nation by 2047, with a strong focus on building domestic defence capabilities.
  • It discussed future cooperation in space, cyber, and defence equipment and technology, and explored coordination for security assistance to third countries.
  • Quad Cooperation- The meeting valued the cooperation within the Quad and committed to advancing it further for both the countries.
  • Defence Exercises- It commended the progress in defence ties since September 2022, highlighting Japan's first air visit, participation in Tarang Shakti, and the 'Veer Guardian 2023' exercise.
  • They agreed to reaffirm the importance of multilateral defence efforts in the Indo-Pacific and their commitment to ongoing exercises like Dharma Guardian, JIMEX, and Malabar.

India holds ministerial-level dialogues with only a few countries, including the United States, Australia, and Russia.

  • Significance- The "2+2" dialogue is aimed at further deepening bilateral security and defence cooperation between India and Japan.
  • It is a strategic plan adopted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2019.
  • The defence partnership with Japan is seen as crucial for ensuring freedom, inclusivity, and transparency in the Indo-Pacific region.

ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)

  • Aim - To promote cooperation with external partners in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • It also aims to address geopolitical tensions and the growing influence of major powers in the region.
  • Principles - The AOIP's guiding principles include ASEAN centrality and ASEAN-led mechanisms, such as the East Asia Summit (EAS), as platforms for dialogue and implementation of cooperation.
  • Key areas - The AOIP promotes cooperation in 4 key areas - Maritime cooperation, Economic, Connectivity, and Sustainable development.
  • The AOIP also serves as a platform for
    • The public, state-owned enterprises, and private sectors of ASEAN Member States, and
    • ASEAN's external partners to engage in constructive discussions, cooperate on projects, and
    • Enhance collaboration in the Indo-Pacific region


  1. The Hindu | ‘2+2’ dialogue
  2. PIB | 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue
  3. MOFA | 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting


Drug delivery method using polymeric nanoparticles

Recently, scientists at Agharkar Research Institute (ARI) under the Department of Science & Technology (DST) have developed a nanoparticle-based drug delivery system.

  • It is a unique method developed of drug delivery using Nikkomycin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles.
  • Nikkomycins- Nikkomycins are nucleoside amide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces tendae Tü 901 and are known to show antifungal, anti-insecticidal, and acaricidal activities.
  • They work by interfering with the building of the fungal cell wall which results in the fungal cell breaking open.
  • The specific agent nikkomycin Z has weak activity against Aspergillus fumigatus which may be of benefit when used with other medications.
  • The drug-loaded nanoparticles were effective in disrupting the growth of Aspergillus species.

Aspergillus fumigatus is a species of fungus in the genus Aspergillus and is one of the most common Aspergillus species to cause disease in individuals with immunodeficiency.

  • Streptomyces- It is the largest genus of actinobacteria comprising high GC (guanine and cytosine) content in their genomic DNA.
  • They are Gram-positive saprophyte and abundant in soil, water (fresh and sea), and air.
  • One can also find this group of bacteria in association with plants and animals.
  • ARI have used a chitin synthesis fungicide, Nikkomycin, produced by the bacterial Streptomyces spp. to develop Nikkomycin loaded polymeric nanoparticles.
  • Polymeric Nanoparticles- It refers to solid particles composed of macromolecular polymers, with particle size ranging from 10 to 1000 nm.
  • It can protect the encapsulated macromolecules from enzymatic degradation and change the dynamic behavior and tissue distribution of the encapsulated drugs in vivo.
  • Chitin - Chitin is the most abundant aminopolysaccharide polymer occurring in nature and is the building material that gives strength to the exoskeletons of crustaceans, insects, and the cell walls of fungi.
  • Chitin is absent in the human body, making this a targeted approach.
  • The nanoformulation developed was found to be free of cytotoxic and hemolytic effects.
  • The ARI team is hopeful about the method’s application in development of inhalation nanoformulations against pulmonary aspergillosis.
  • Benefits - It may benefit patients with asthma, cystic fibrosis, HIV, cancer, lung diseases, and those on long-term corticosteroid medications.
  • Nanoparticles enable controlled and effective drug release, with polymeric nanoparticles being the most advanced delivery method.
  • Safety and potential applications- The Nano formulation was free of cytotoxic and hemolytic effects, indicating safety for use.

Drug delivery using polymeric nanoparticles


PIB | Nanoparticle-based drug delivery system


Quantum nonlocality

Recent research has revealed that it is impossible to create a universal standard for measuring non-local quantum correlations, a key finding in quantum mechanics.

  • Quantum Nonlocality- It describes a connection between distant physical objects that does not allow for faster-than-light communication.
  • It is often associated with entangled states, which violate Bell inequalities, a way to test whether nature agrees with Einstein's local realism or with the standard quantum mechanical interpretation.

Quantum Nonlocality

  • Bell's Theorem- It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in 1964, it challenged the concept of 'local realism' in classical physics.
  • Bell's theorem showed that quantum systems with multiple distant parts exhibit correlations that cannot be explained by local realism.
  • This theorem was confirmed by experiments and earned the 2022 Physics Nobel Prize.
  • Application- Quantum nonlocality has been significant in natural sciences and has applications in secure communication, random number generation, and cryptographic key creation.
  • Finding- The study noted that the nature of nonlocality varies depending on the type of correlation, meaning there is no single, universal resource in quantum nonlocality.
  • Each non-local resource is unique and capable of performing specific tasks that others cannot.
  • Implications- The discovery expands the potential applications of quantum nonlocality and adds complexity to the understanding of quantum mechanics.


  1. PIB | Quantum nonlocality
  2. Azoquantum | Non-Local Quantum


National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)

The NFRA is set to meet with key financial regulators to adopt the revised International Standard of Audit 600 (ISA 600).   





  • NFRA was established in 2018 under the Companies Act, 2013.


  • It is an independent regulator setup to oversee and enforce compliance with accounting and auditing standards.


  • NFRA has authority over auditors of listed companies, large unlisted companies, and companies with securities listed on any stock exchange in India or abroad. 


  • Chairperson who will be appointed by the Central Government and a maximum of 15 members.


  • Set standards, monitor compliance, investigate misconduct, and impose penalties.


  • Aims to enhance transparency and accountability in financial reporting.

Recent Activities

  • Currently focusing on adopting revised International Standard of Audit 600 (ISA 600).

ISA 600




  • To close auditing gaps that have caused major lapses and to ensure auditors gather sufficient evidence and evaluate component auditors' work.

Objectives of ISA 600

  • Tighten oversight on auditors, especially regarding reliance on subsidiary audit reports.
  • Enhance group auditor's supervision and review of component auditors' work and documentation.
  • Improve communication, oversight, and ethical requirements between group and component auditors.

Audit Lapses and Malfeasance

  • Auditors have been found shielding behind subsidiary audit reports, allowing malfeasance, such as siphoning off funds from listed companies.
  • Reliance on subsidiary audits has been a recurring problem in lapses at companies like Reliance Capital, IL&FS, and CG Power.

Legal Framework

  • The revised standards require adoption by financial regulators like ICAI, NFRA, and SEBI before implementation in India.
  • The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, considers disclosing information acquired during professional engagement without client consent as professional misconduct.  


  1. Business Standard | ISA 600
  2. NFRA | About NFRA
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