
Prelims Bits 08-02-2019

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February 08, 2019

Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

  • Union government announced PMRVY scheme to provide Senior Citizens, belonging to BPL category and suffering from any of the age related disability/infirmity Low vision, Hearing impairment, Loss of teeth and Locomotor disability, with such assisted-living devices which can restore near normalcy in their bodily functions, overcoming the disability/infirmity manifested.
  • This is a Central Sector Scheme, fully funded by the Central Government.
  • The expenditure for implementation of the scheme will be met from the “Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund“.
  • Under the scheme, free of cost distribution of the devices, commensurate with the extent of disability/infirmity that is manifested among the eligible senior citizens will take place.
  • In case of multiple disabilities/infirmities manifested in the same person, the assistive devices will be given in respect of each disability/impairment.
  • Government ensures that about 30% of the beneficiaries in each district shall be women.

PM Shram-Yogi Maandhan Yojana

  • Union government has announced PMSYMY scheme for the unorganized sector workers with monthly income upto Rs 15,000.
  • This scheme shall provide an assured monthly pension of Rs 3,000 from the age of 60 years on a monthly contribution of a small affordable amount during their working age.
  • An unorganized sector worker joining pension yojana at the age of 29 years will have to contribute only Rs 100 per month till the age of 60 years.
  • A worker joining the pension yojana at 18 years, will have to contribute as little as Rs 55 per month only.
  • The Government will deposit equal matching share in the pension account of the worker every month.

Rashtriya Gokul Mission

  • Union government to conserve and develop indigenous bovine breeds, has launched ‘Rashtriya Gokul Mission’ (RGM) under the National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development (NPBBD).
  • RGM aims to raise the quality of Indian cows and bulls to eventually outdo Jerseys and Holsteins.
  • The Mission will be implemented with the objectives to
  1. Development and conservation of indigenous breeds
  2. Undertake breed improvement program for indigenous cattle breeds so as to improve the genetic makeup and increase the stock.
  3. Enhance milk production and productivity.
  4. Upgrade nondescript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi and
  5. Distribute disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service.
  • Rashtriya Gokul Mission will be implemented through the “State Implementing Agency.
  • State Gauseva Ayogs will be given the mandate to sponsor proposals to the SIA’s (LDB’s) and monitor implementation of the sponsored proposal.
  • All Agencies having a role in indigenous cattle development will be the “Participating Agencies” like CFSPTI, CCBFs, ICAR, Universities, Colleges, NGO’s, Cooperative Societies and Gaushalas with best germplasm.

Gokul Gram

  • Funds under RGM scheme will be allocated for the establishment of Integrated Indigenous Cattle Centres viz “Gokul Gram”.
  • Gokul Grams will be established in the native breeding tracts and near metropolitan cities for housing the urban cattle.
  • Gokul Gram will act as Centers for development of Indigenous Breeds and a dependable source for supply of high genetic breeding stock to the farmers in the breeding tract.
  • The Gokul Gram will be self-sustaining and will generate economic resources from sale of A2 milk, organic manure, vermi-composting, urine distillates, and production of electricity from bio gas for in house consumption and sale of animal products.

Flamingo sanctuary

  • During the colder times of the year, many of the Great Flamingos in Asia migrate to warmer climates.
  • Great Flamingos migrate to India between the months of December to February, important flamingo migration hotspots in India are as follows
  1. Maharashtra - Sewri Mudflats, Thane Creek, Bhigwan.
  2. Gujarat - Flamingo City, Thol Lake, Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary.
  3. Rajasthan - Jawai Dam, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary.
  4. Odisha - Chilika lake
  5. Telangana - Osman sagar lake
  6. Andhra Pradesh - Pulicat Lake
  • Maharashtra state forest department has declared Western side of Thane creek as Flamingo sanctuary in 2012.
  • The sanctuary aims to protect the flamingos and several other birds that are threatened by pollution and habitat destruction in the north-eastern Mumbai area.
  • The sanctuary is a part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, which has spread over three districts – Palgar, Thane and Mumbai Suburb.

Adtiya L-1

  • IRSO will launch Aditya-L1 satellite during 2019 – 2020 timeframe by PSLV-XL from Sriharikota.
  • The satellite will be inserted in a halo orbit around the L1, which is 1.5 million km from the Earth. 
  • A Satellite placed in the halo orbit has the major advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without any occultation/ eclipses. 
  • Aditya-1 was meant to observe only the solar corona, the outer layers of the Sun, extending to thousands of km above the disc (photosphere) is termed as the corona. 


  • XPoSat is a 5-year Mission satellite of ISRO which will be used to learn more about cosmic radiation.
  • The satellite will measure polarization (degree and direction) of X-ray photons from ~50 potential celestial sources of interest in the energy band of 5-30 keV.

Source: PIB, Down to Earth, the Hindu

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