The agricultural trade surplus has reduced from $10.6 billion in April-December 2023-24 to $8.2 billion for the corresponding nine months of the current fiscal (April-March).
India’s marine exports — of which frozen shrimp accounts for roughly two-thirds — are mainly to the US (34.5% share in 2023-24), China (19.6%), and the European Union (14%).
Sugar exports more than halved from $5.8 billion in 2022-23 to $2.8 billion in 2023-24.
India’s imports of pepper (34,028 tonnes) and cardamom (9,084 tonnes) exceeded its corresponding exports of 17,890 tonnes and 7,449 tonnes.
India is the largest producer of cotton globally, accounts for 23% of total global cotton production and in 2022, India stood as the third-highest exporter of raw cotton globally, accounting for about 11% of the total global exports.