
Soils to Sequester Carbon

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January 16, 2018

What is the issue? 

The ability of soils to sequester carbon should be given a serious focus by policymakers in the context of climate change actions.

What is carbon sequestration?

  • It is the process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the Earth’s atmosphere and then stored in liquid or solid form.
  • It could involve both natural and artificial processes to remove and store carbon.
  • Significant carbon pools on earth are found in the earth’s crust, oceans, atmosphere and land-based ecosystems.
  • The prime purpose of artificially doing this is to mitigate or delay global warming and avoid extreme climate change.

What is the need for focussing on soils?

  • Agricultural Practices - After the changes undertaken as part of the Green Revolution, crop yields increased for several decades.
  • But parallelly there has also been a dramatic increase in the use of chemicals as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
  • The resultant degraded soils are getting to be a prime reason for undermined agricultural yields in many places now.
  • Industrial changes to agriculture have led to a range of adverse effects including:
      1. loss of biodiversity
      2. elimination of beneficial microbes and insects
      3. reduction in yield
      4. contamination of water bodies and soils
      5. increasing toxicity, etc
  • Global Warming - Currently, the world is on a path to be about 3ºC warmer than pre-Industrial times.
  • This is despite adhering to 2015 Paris climate deal commitments.
  • Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have crossed limits and oceans are already turning acidic.
  • But, policies are largely focussed on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity sector, transport and industry.
  • The policy shortfalls call for a renewed focus in understanding how soils can serve as carbon sinks to address the increasing pressures.

How effective are soils as carbon sinks?

  • SOC - Soil organic carbon (SOC) comes from plants, animals, microbes, leaves and wood, mostly found in the first metre or so.
  • Soils contain around 2,300 Gt (1 gigatonne = 1 billion tonnes) of organic carbon, making this the largest terrestrial carbon pool.
  • Benefits - Increasing SOC through various methods can improve soil health.
  • It can contribute to agricultural yield, food security, water quality, and also reduce the need for chemicals.
  • It helps address carbon mitigation and also improve conditions of fresh water, biodiversity, land use and nitrogen use.
  • Moreover, carbon sequestration in soils has the potential to offset GHG emissions from fossil fuels by up to 15% annually.
  • Utilising this option would thus offer the breathing time before other technologies can help transiting to a zero-carbon lifestyle.

How is it achieved?

  • There are many conditions and processes that determine changes to SOC content.
  • These include temperature, rainfall, vegetation, soil management and land-use change.
  • Thus, increasing Soil Organic Carbon involves adopting sustainable agricultural practices to keep these factors in balance.
  • The approaches to increase SOC include:
  1. reducing soil erosion
  2. no-till-farming
  3. use of cover crops
  4. nutrient management
  5. applying manure and sludge
  6. water harvesting and conservation
  7. agroforestry practices, etc

What should the government do?

  • India does have a large number of successful sustainable agricultural practices.
  •  The knowledge of farmers who have successfully experimented with these methods must be considered in research and policy.
  • State-level policy makers should identify the kinds of support needed by farmers with small holdings to transition from existing practices.
  • There is also a need for revising the existing fertiliser subsidy policy and promoting organic fertilizers.
  • The ability of soils to sequester carbon is thus a win-win strategy for farmers, people and for climate change.


Source: The Hindu

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