Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) remains a serious health concern in Lucknow and Uttar Pradesh due to low measles vaccination coverage.
SSPE was a progressive and fatal brain disorder that appears years after a person contracts measles.
Normally, the measles virus does not cause brain damage. However, an abnormal immune response to measles or, possibly, certain variant forms of the virus may cause severe illness and death.
This response leads to brain inflammation (swelling and irritation) that may last for years.
Cognitive decline, leading to difficulty and understanding, behavioral changes, such as increased irritability and personal shifts;
Seizures and muscle jerks resembling epilepsy;
Motor impairment affecting coordination and walking and gradual loss of SSPE, though some treatments can slow its progression.
Diagnosis-Diagnosis involves a combination of clinical evaluation, electroencephalography (EEG), imaging studies (CT or MRI), cerebrospinal fluid examination, and measles serologic testing.
A brain biopsy may be indicated when CSF serology is negative or equivocal.
High-risk groups - Males are more often affected than females. The disease generally occurs in children and adolescents.
Prevention – Timely measles vaccination.
Treatment – There is no permanent cure for SSPE. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease.
Prevalence - SSPE has been reported in all parts of the world, but in western countries it is a rare disease. Very few cases are seen in the United States.
Government Initiatives to eliminate Measles
Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) - India is conducting rounds of IMI 5.0, focusing on identifying and vaccinating all unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children up to five years of age.
Measles & Rubella (MR) vaccine is part of Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP)