
The Iran challenge - Iran Nuclear Deal under Joe Biden

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December 04, 2020

What is the issue?

  • When Mr. Biden assumes U.S. presidency on January 20, 2021, one of his most pressing early diplomatic challenges would be Iran.
  • In this context, here is a look at the Iran nuclear deal, and the challenges and priorities in this regard.

What is the Iran nuclear deal?

  • It is officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
  • It was signed between Iran and the P5, plus Germany and the EU in 2015.
    • P5 is the five permanent members of the UNSC - US, China, France, Russia, and UK.
  • The deal aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear programme.
  • Under the deal:
  1. most of Iran’s enriched uranium was shipped out of the country
  2. a heavy water facility was rendered inoperable
  3. operational nuclear facilities were brought under international inspection
  • In return, the deal involved lifting of international sanctions on Iran.

What are the challenges before Biden?

  • When Joe Biden left the government in 2017 after having served as Vice-President, the U.S.-Iran relationship was totally different.
  • But U.S. President Trump was critical of the deal and pulled the U.S. out of the JCPOA, and reimposed sanctions on Iran. Click here to know more.
  • During the recent election campaign, Biden's promise was to take the U.S. back to the deal.
  • But any such move would meet with strong opposition from its allies in West Asia, especially Israel.
  • The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has escalated tensions in the region.
    • Iran has blamed Israel for the attack and vowed revenge.
    • Israel has neither confirmed nor denied reports of its involvement in the hit.
    • Any retaliatory actions by Iran could cause a further flare-up, even leading to an open war.
  • In turn, this could make diplomatic options for a Biden administration complex.

What is expected under Biden’s presidency?

  • After the election, Mr. Biden has reaffirmed his commitment to the nuclear deal.
  • But he has said that he would seek to extend the restrictions on Iran (15 years, according to the JCPOA).
  • He would also discuss Iran’s “malign” activities in West Asia.
  • This suggests that Mr. Biden would want amendments to the original accord.

How has Iran’s response been?

  • Mr. Trump had expected Iran to come to the table to renegotiate the deal. But Iran did not give in to the pressure.
  • When the Trump administration exerted ‘maximum pressure’, Iran came up with ‘maximum resistance’.
  • The tensions took both countries to the brink of war twice:
    1. when Iran shot down an American drone over the Gulf in June 2019
    2. when the U.S. killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in January 2020

How does the future look?

  • The question now is whether Mr. Biden, with an emphasis on diplomacy, would manage to restore the lost trust and be able to revive the deal.
  • It is in everybody’s interest that the nuclear deal is revived.
    • This would not only deny Iran a path to the bomb but also restore some order in the region.
  • Mr. Biden will have to reassert himself and rein in America’s allies from launching more provocative attacks on Iranian regime figures.
  • He must press Iran to return to the terms of the agreement and further talks on the country’s regional activities in return for economic and security assurances.
  • Iran, on its part, should observe strategic patience and give diplomacy another chance.


Source: The Hindu

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