
Water Management Lessons from Israel

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July 03, 2017

Why in news?

The Indo-Israeli partnership is likely to extend to areas like water and agriculture.

What are the facts related to water?

  • India is water stressed. The country’s annual per capita availability of water is less than 1,500 cubic meters (cu.m) and that scenario is likely to worsen.
  • Currently, about 78% of fresh water in India is used for agriculture.
  • Israel has per capita water availability of less than 200 cu.m.
  • It is an extremely water scarce region. Yet, the country exports high-value agri-produce to Europe and many other parts of the world.
  • The country is known for innovations in water management - be it drip irrigation, recycling of urban wastewater for use in agriculture or desalinisation of seawater for drinking purposes.

How water is governed in Israel?

  • As per Israel’s water law, all water in the country is common property resource.
  • The government does accounting for every drop of water, ensuring good water governance.
  • As a result, in 2013, of the total water available in Israel almost 16% came from desalinating seawater and another 22% came from recycling wastewater.
  • Almost 62% of the irrigation water used in Israel comes from recycled and brackish water, thus saving potable water for domestic use.

Whether the micro-irrigation concepts are new to India?

  • Micro-irrigation technologies such as drip irrigation and sprinklers are not new to India.
  • India has about nine million hectares under micro-irrigation.
  • It can scale this up several times. But it needs to do so quickly.
  • Israel can offer lessons to India in this respect.
  • Any scaling up of technologies needs the right policy environment.
  • Water is not a free good. It needs to be priced to reflect its scarcity.
  • Such recycling endeavours with proper treatment that make wastewater safe have relevance in India.
  • India does have the technology for this purpose.

Where else India can cooperate with Israel?

  • Another area of potential cooperation is cleaning polluted rivers.
  • As per government reports, between 2009 and 2015, the number of polluted rivers and river stretches in India has almost doubled.
  • Almost 63% of the total sewage generated in the country is discharged into water bodies without any treatment resulting in acute river pollution.
  • Recently, the Delhi Government has roped in the Israeli firm to clean up an eight km stretch of the Yamuna.

What is the way ahead?

  • India needs an integrated approach to solving India’s emerging water crisis, involving different kind of interactions between Indians and Israeli agencies.


Source: The Indian Express

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