February 08, 2018

Click here for Part I


Board: Dr.Manoj Soni 

Background: Veterinary science and Animal Husbandry.

Hobby: Making Rangoli, Tanjore Painting.

Date: 08:02.2018


  1. So u do rangoli ??
  2. Tell me the significance of rangoli ?
  3. Don’t u think these values and culture are getting   faded in society day by day , reason for it ??
  4. Why IFS ?

1st Member

  1. How do u increase productivity in Livestock animal ?
  2. How to preserve the indigenous breed of cattle ?
  3. How would u control illegal poaching in wild animals ?
  4. What is women empowerment ?
  5. Status of women in tribal societies ?
  6. Tribal women makes some product ,how would help tribal women to increase their income?

2nd Member

  1. How do u estimate number of wild animals ?
  2. What is the procedure of vaccination in wild animals ?
  3. What is darting ?
  4. What is zoonosis ? example ?
  5. What is anthrapo-zoonosis ? example ?
  6. Scientific name of peacock ? details of the national bird ?

3rd Member

  1. National park located in heart of your city ( Hyderabad )?
  2. How is national park declared and comes under which act ?
  3. What is the name of zoo park in ur city ? unique feature of the zoo ?
  4. Captive breeding, in-situ and ex-situ breeding?
  5. Name the famous breed of united Andhra Pradesh ? describe it ?
  6. Biodiversity act when was it formed? implemented? What are its objective?
  7. How would u preserve the traditional knowledge?
  8. What is joint forest management? How is it helpful.
  9. You have spent most of your life in city ..will it not be difficult for you to work in forest and rural areas ?



Board : Mr. Manoj Soni

Back Ground: Info Tech

Date : 08.02.2018


  1. last 3 years were u studying?
  2. Historical aspects of Allahabad?
  3. Why IT is so called,why not Comp Scence.
  4. Diff b/w Sci and Tech.with proper example.
  5. Diff b/w CS and IT?

1st Member (Lady)

  1. How your knowledge can help Forest Dept.
  2. Have you met tribal? can ur tech help them,
  3. Is it reliable for them,
  4. What about there education.

2nd Member

  1. Any forest u visited.(told mudumai).then he asked in UP(I told Dudhua TR):
  2. which Dist it belong..He told it is not situated in only one dist.
  3. Discussed animan man conflict.
  4. Diff b/w both forest area.
  5. Do u think elephant is there in Dudhua NP
  6. Apart from differences b/w Allahabad and Chennai what similarities do u see?
  7. Why u studied in Chennai?

4th Member

  1. How Tech can help in preservation of forest.
  2. About IT forest cover etc.( I talked abt remote sensing )
  3. About joint forest anagement , discussed its committee.
  4. Tell about services provided by forest apart form NTFP,
  5. Why u want to join IFS.
  6. List medicinal plants found in forest?
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