
01/04/2021 - Health

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April 01, 2021

The density of health workforce in India needs to be improved to increase the efficiency of delivery of health care services at various levels. Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


Health workers were globally applauded for their tireless and assiduous services during the Covid-19 for their role in dispensing healthcare and saving lives.

Shortage of workforce

·        States like Kerala and Tamil Nadu having high health workforce population ratio also have high population health outcomes.

·        The density of health workforce in India is not even half of the 44.5 health workers per 10,000 persons as recommended by the WHO for achieving universal health coverage.

·        The density of qualified active health workforce in India is as low as 12-13 doctors (including AYUSH practitioners) and nurses/midwives per 10,000 persons.

Skewed distribution

·        The distribution of these health workers is acutely skewed with the less developed states like Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh health worker population ratio of as low as 6-8 health workers per 10,000 persons.

·        More than 60% of doctors and a little over 50% of nurses/midwives are employed in the private sector.

Need for workforce

·        The central government announced setting up of new educational institutions157 medical colleges and about 50 nursing institutions in different phases.

·        These institutions are likely to produce about 22,500 doctors and 2,000 nurses every year.

·        This implies that even if 100% of the new graduates join health workforce, it will take more than 10 years to add 2.5 lakh health professionals to the existing qualified active health workforce.

·        India needs big investment to meet even the minimum threshold of 22.8 health workforce per 10,000 persons.

·        It’s needed to open new institutions for producing doctors and nurses, and create conducive environment and attractive pay packages.


Dev 4 years

please Review and Provide Feedback 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include data in man power part of the answer to support your arguments. Keep Writing.



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