
01/06/2021 - Indian Economy

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June 01, 2021

Boosting arbitration process is one of the most important ways to revive the economy in the country. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        When the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 was amended in 2015, to ensure time-bound completion of arbitration with minimal judicial interference.

·        Contracting parties are more likely to opt for jurisdictions which permit third-party funding.

·        In 2014, the government expressed its desire to have a phase-wise opening of the legal sector.

·        If the government the largest litigant incorporates arbitration clauses, a robust economy around arbitration could get built, reducing the work-load of the courts.

Ways to revive the economy

·        Improvement in the ease of doing business for the stake holders, as per ease of doing business index 2020, India has improved its rankings.

·        More compliance with laws and regulations by the stakeholders.

·        Ease of dispute resolution process, work-load of judiciary reduces further.

·        Produces a better investment climate for the investors.

·        Ease of entry and exit policies.


Lakshya Singla 4 years

Respected Sir/Ma'am

Kindly review.

Thanking you,

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to provide specific examples in the answer. Keep Writing.

Saurabh kasaudhan 4 years

Kindly review and provide suggestions

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Tapasvi 4 years

Kindly review 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer, try to add flowcharts and data to enrich the answer. Keep Writing.

Harsh 4 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 4 years

No need to define arbitration,  avoid writing general points and include data to support your arguments. Keep Writing.



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