
01/07/2022 - Agriculture

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July 01, 2022

Farm ponds can act as agent of rural transformation in the country. Justify the statement with examples. (200 Words)

Refer - Business Line

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        In districts like Dharwad, Bellary, Kalaburagi and Karim Nagar, farm ponds of the size of 100 feet by 100 feet with a depth of 12 feet, constructed under the aegis of the NGO Foundation are now helping farmers draw water for their crops without even the availability of large irrigation systems.

·        Apart from improving water availability and efficiency of usage, the most impressive outcome has been the increase in the income of small and marginal farmers, following the Deshpande Foundation’s intervention.

·        In Karnataka, NABARD’s experience with the farm pond initiative by Deshpande Foundation has also been good.

·        According to CGM of NABARD, it has signed a tripartite MOU with SBI and Deshpande Foundation, under which it will provide incentives for formation of 1,000 Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), credit linkage after formation and monitor repayment.

·        A JLG is an informal cohesive group of 4-10 members who agree to be responsible for the credit taken, ensuring that the group has a close peer-to-peer engagement. In the present project, the JLGs would take up construction of another 10,000 farm ponds in water stressed areas to be facilitated by the Foundation and financed by SBI.

·        From a banking perspective, these are replicable national models for credit-support if mediation of such NGOs, functioning on scientific and disciplined lines, is ensured.



K. V. A 3 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Rahul 3 years

please review !

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include data to support your arguments and bring cooherence in the answer. Keep Writing.



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