
02/01/2018 - Bilateral Relations

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January 02, 2019

The bilateral consensus between Indian and Bangladesh is progressively getting strengthened. Enumerate the challenges therein and discuss the areas which need upgradation to grow stronger in the future. (200 Words )

Refer - The Hindu

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Challenges in the ties

·        The current Rohingya issue, which has imposed a huge economic and security burden on Bangladesh. Bilaterally, the issue of the illegal migration has already acquired a high profile in India with the publication of the draft National Register of Citizens in Assam.

·        Sharing of river waters will remain a challenge, but not an insurmountable one.

·        China’s security and economic footprint has grown in South Asia and managing this will remain a challenge for both countries.

·        While Bangladesh is overwhelmingly dependent on military hardware from China, India has provided a $500 million LOC for procurement of defence-related goods from India. This momentum must be maintained and intensified.


Areas that need up gradation

·        Cooperation in cyberspace to tackle the issue cyber attacks, phishing, crypto-mining.

·        Establishing more robust nuclear power programme to reduce the emission of cumulative carbon di oxide emission there by attaining goals if INDC.

·        SEZ in Bangladesh for Indian manufacturing companies which will encourage Indian companies to manufacture there and export to India.

·        While LOCs mainly cover infrastructure and connectivity projects, grants must flow into social sector development.

·        Capacity building under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme is an important strand in bilateral ties and people-to-people interaction.

·        With the rise of religious radicalism and terrorism, defence and security issues will require greater cooperation.

Rahul 6 years

Pls review mine

IAS Parliament 6 years

Avoid mentioning names of political figures. Use designation if necessary. Elaborate more on areas that need up-gradation. Keep Writing.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try adding the dimensions of cyber space, SEZs. Keep writing.



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