
02/02/2021 - Agriculture

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February 02, 2021

The expenditure on agriculture in research and development needs to be increased to provide food security at various levels in the country. Comment (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


A substantial part of the food subsidy was being put under the carpet by increasing the Food Corporation of India’s (FCI) borrowings these had crossed Rs 3 lakh crore.


·        There is a huge bias towards subsidies for food and fertiliser.

·        The allocation for agri-R&D is a meagre Rs 8,514 crore in FY 2021-22 against a RE of Rs 7,762 crore in FY 2020-21.

·        In the case of the fertiliser subsidy again, massive subsidisation of urea, to the tune of almost 70 per cent of its cost, is leading to its sub-optimal usage.

·        It is time to move towards direct cash transfers to farmers based on a per hectare basis and free up prices of fertilisers.

·        This will help reduce leakages and imbalance in NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) usage and lead to efficiency, equity and environmental sustainability.

·        Overall, the expenditure on agri-R&D needs to be doubled or even tripled in next three years, if growth in agriculture has to provide food security and subsidies on food and fertilisers need to be contained.


·        Increased productivity of food crops.

·        Diversified food grains reach poor households thus reducing malnutrition and stunting of children.

·        Optimal utilisation of resources.






sivasree 4 years

kindly review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Need better understanding. Try to mention about expenditures on subsidy, less expenditure allocated for R&D, then importance of R&D. Keep Writing.

Dev 4 years

Please Review and Provide Feedback 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about the importance of spending on Research and development. Keep Writing.



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