
02/04/2022 - Government Policies

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April 02, 2022

Do you think that the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill 2022 erodes the privacy of those convicted of crime and the ordinary citizen? Comment (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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Manish 3 years

Please Review for 15 makrer !

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The Bill aims to replace the Identification of Prisoners Act 1920 that has been in need of amendment for several decades.

·        At present there are extensive facial recognition technology programmes for “smart policing” that are deployed all across the country.

·        Such experimental technologies cause mass surveillance and are prone to bias, impacting the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable in India.

·        The existing law permits data capture by police and prison officers either from persons convicted or persons arrested for commission of offences punishable with a minimum of one year’s imprisonment.

·        The law removes the existing  albeit minimal  limitation on persons whose measurements could be taken. It is poised to be expanded to all persons who are placed under arrest in a case.

·        This is a truly breathtaking spectrum, including petty crime such as violating a prohibitory order for not wearing a mask, jaywalking or a traffic violation.

·        The interaction between the proposed law and CCTNS is not clearly defined though likely, given the powers conferred under for digital records go to the same government department.

·        In sum, once a person enters their “measurements” within the system, they stay there for life given the average life expectancy in India which hovers around 70 years is less than the retention period.





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