
03/05/2021 - Energy

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May 03, 2021

India’s power sector is capable of conducting energy audits for effective power distribution throughout the country. Do you agree with this view? Critically analyse (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Priya 4 years

Kindly correct and tell the mistakes

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to stick to word limit and include data to support your answers. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Union government published the draft regulations for mandatory conduct of energy audits of distribution companies (discoms) on a yearly basis.

·        The proposed energy audit will be a complete audit, beginning right from the periphery of the discom where it receives power from the transmission lines till the end-consumer.

·        So, audits would be conducted on the 33 kv lines, 11 kv lines, at the feeder level and also at the distribution transformers (DTs).

·        AT&C is derived through an amalgamation of the technical and commercial parameters of the discom.

·        Commercial parameters would include billing efficiency and collection efficiency of the discom. Hence it is possible to improve upon the AT&C loss figure (meaning a lower figure) through a higher billing and collection efficiency.

·        The AT&C estimate for a discom varies throughout the year since billing and collection efficiency usually improves manifold towards the end of a financial year.

·        To read all the meters simultaneously, we would need the facility of smart-meters that can be read off-site, or at least the data should be logged, which can be retrieved subsequently.

·        While exact figures regarding the installation of smart-meters at the consumers’ end is not available, it is rumoured that it will not be more than 1%.




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