It is high time to show the proceedings of the standing committees to public scrutiny in the country as happens in most democracies. Examine (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Abdul hakkim 4 years
Please review mam/sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to mention about departmental and ad hoc standing committees. Keep Writing.
IAS Parliament 4 years
· The recent goings-on in the standing committee on information technology has once again drawn attention to the system of standing committees, which is one of the major innovations of our parliamentary system of governance.
· Along with the earlier committees, some of which are mandated by the Constitution, these committees do enormous amount of work for Parliament but generally behind closed doors.
· In this day and age of complete transparency, the committees are forced to function confidentially. This is one of the main reasons why their good work is not known outside Parliament.
· The working of the standing committees are not known to the public properly.
· Departmental standing committee secures the accountability of the executive in the financial sphere.
· Its work is confined to recommendations and providing reports to the parliament.
· Ad-hoc standing committees are dissolved soon as soon as their work gets completed, the minutes of the meeting can be thrown open to the public.
· The working of the standing committees need to shown to the outside by the parliament to uphold its democratic values.
· The present dispensation has little use for parliamentary conventions, practices and precedents, indeed for Parliament itself.
· This needs to be overturned for better functioning of the parliament in the country.
S Singh 4 years
Kindly review