
03/11/2020 - Health

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November 03, 2020

The economic return for investing in child nutrition always remains high and contributes to the country's holistic development. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·         The major influences for this rapid physical and mental development are exerted by the genetic environment and the nurturing biological environment of nutrition. Nutrition can also directly modify the gene structure and mediate the expressions of genetic factors.

·         The first 1,000 days play a key role in child brain development. Among these, nutrition in first 1,000 days will have the highest impact on the physical health, cognitive development, academic and intellectual performance of the child.

·         With a near-8% teenage pregnancy rate and a high prevalence of anaemia in women, of more that 50% (NFHS-4), women in India enter pregnancy in a nutritionally-deficient state, a prime reason for deficient nutrition of the child in the first 1,000 days. This results in the high incidence of underweight, wasting and stunting in childhood.

         The GoI is implementing a comprehensive programme on anaemia prevention among children, adolescents, women in the reproductive age group, and pregnant and lactating women under Anaemia Mukt Bharat programme. Both, pre-conception and pregnancy periods are covered.

Promotion of Infant and Young Child Feeding practices in first two years of life:

         Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth: Mother’s first yellow milk is vital for baby’s nutrition and protection against infection.

         Exclusive breastfeeding for first six month of life: Critical for growth and development in addition to emotional bonding and protective immunity from diseases.

         Timely introduction of complementary feeding at six month of age: Gradual introduction of solid food in addition to milk-feed when most babies have acquired skills to start complementary feeding.

         Age appropriate foods for children from six months to two years: The quality, quantity, frequency and hygiene, especially hand washing, practices are crucial factors.

         After infancy, babies start exercising increasing autonomy in selection of foods. Wide choice of nutritious foods need be offered to respect their autonomy and to encourage self -feeding behavior.

There is a need to develop a strategic, convergent action plan on nutrition-specific and sensitive areas by all stakeholders. There has to be advocacy for the development and enforcement of law, policies and guidelines on ensuring nutritional security. 

aswin 4 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to explain the flow chart briefy and write within two pages. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback. Thank you Sir. I kindly remind you that you didnt provide feedback for yesterday's mains answer.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Thank you for your feedback sir



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