
03/12/2021 - Agriculture

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December 03, 2021

A socio-economic enterprise based on the lines of Anand milk union limited (AMUL) has immense potential to aid India’s crop-growing farmers. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The Government’s new policies intended to double incomes of small farmers, which have been languishing while stock markets are soaring.

·        Amul has become one of India’s most loved brands, and is respected internationally too for the quality of its products and the efficiency of its management.

·        It has successfully competed with the world’s largest corporations and their well-established brands.

·        Kurien’s accounts of the political battles he fought for ‘Make in India’, and of the ‘can-do’ spirit and innovation of Indian engineers, are inspiring.

·        Inclusion and equity in governance must be hardwired into the design of the enterprise.

·        The ‘social’ side of the enterprise is as important as its ‘business’ side. Therefore, new metrics of performance must be used, and many ‘non-corporate’ methods of management learned and applied to strengthen its social fabric.

·        Solutions must be ‘local systems’ solutions, rather than ‘global (or national) scale’ solutions.

·        The resources in the local environment (including local workers) must be the principal resources of the enterprise.

·        Science must be practical and useable by the people on the ground rather than a science developed by experts to convince other experts.

·        Sustainable transformations are brought about by a steady process of evolution, not by drastic revolution. 

K. V. A 3 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Details about AMUL model is not required. Keep Writing.

Susmitha T 3 years

Please review 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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