
04/02/2022 - Economy

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February 04, 2022

The introduction of a taxation regime for virtual digital assets has provided opportunities for the investors. Elaborate (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Finance Minister has proposed to tax all profits from transactions in such assets at 30% along with the applicable surcharge and cess, and a 1% tax to be deducted by buyers while trading in any virtual digital asset beyond a threshold.

·        While trading profits will be taxed at, according to crypto industry players, a higher rate compared to other jurisdictions, no deductions will be allowed on account of setting off losses from such trading or from any other capital losses.

·        The only deduction permitted would be the cost of acquiring the asset. The term ‘property’ under the I-T Act is being expanded to include virtual digital assets so that such assets received as a gift shall be taxable except when received from relatives.

·        The Government may still not consider them fully legit, yet the tax regime indicates the hard option of an outright ban that was signalled in the nomenclature of a proposed crypto law last year is off the table.

·        The delay in arriving at a decision also pre-empts Indian start-ups and innovators from developing products and ideas that can be scaled up globally given the nature of these assets.

·        It is time those words are matched with a clear regulatory framework soon instead of ambiguous waffling and dithering.



Yamuna Ranjani J 3 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include data to support your answers. Keep Writing.

Manish 3 years

Please Review !

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Sandy Singh 3 years

Pls review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Avoid writing names and include data to support your arguments. Keep Writing.



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