
04/03/2019 - Health

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March 04, 2019

India’s medical education system needs further reforms for better development of health care across country. Examine.  (200 Words )

Refer - Business Line

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Yes, Indian needs a comprehensive policy on Climate change.


·        This brings issue of Global warming onto the legislative agenda (National Importance), enable executives to discuss debate about the issue evoking resposnse among people.

·        Ensures speedy implementation of programmes designed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, National action plan on Climate Change.

·        Enables Co-operative federalism to  play key role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

·        Increase in sea level poses huge threat to Coastal areas and results in displacement of people towards hinterland. To accomodate them we need a legal frame work.

·        Moreover rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers poses risk of floods in northern plains, landslides on hill slopes, glacial lake outburst flood.

·        Increase desertification makes land infertile, climate resilient crops has to be developed according to the agroclimatic regions of India.




Arjun pandian 6 years


IAS Parliament 6 years

Try restructuring the answer like (reasons for reforms in the medical education system, reforms that are required). Keep Writing

kk 6 years

please review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try including points like more focus on primary health care by doctors, dedicated doctors to focus more on rural areas etc. Keep Writing.

DVR 6 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try giving suggestions for better development of medical education system. Keep Writing.



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