
04/04/2019 - Role of Social Media

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April 04, 2019

Should the authority of monitoring contents in Social media need to be vested with independent agency ? Comment(200 Words)

Refer - Business Line

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        The platform exerts immense influence on the social, economic and political outcomes of a country.

·        Face book has been accused of looking the other way when its platform was being allegedly misused to influence democratic processes in the US.

·        It has also been accused of not doing enough to prevent users’ data from being leaked to entities which generated billions in profit. Such a platform cannot be trusted to do its own policing.

·        On the other hand, governments, armed with draconian powers such as defamation and sedition laws, free speech has taken a hit.

·        India has been among the top countries in blocking politically inconvenient websites, including those of foreign NGOs, UN organisations and activists. 

Why need to setup an independent body

·        Better transparency, accountability, consistency in regulating the contents.

·        Less interference from the Governments.

·        Effectively arresting fake news spread, genuine news, information reaches people, upholding essence of right to information.

·        Presence of experts, analysts in the independent agency brings professionalism to the domain, thereby enhancing its efficiency.

·        No ambiguity regarding the grounds for taking down an account, the guidelines should be spelt clearly. 



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