
04/05/2020 - International Relations

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May 04, 2020

Despite hardships, India can take the lead in bringing the world together to practice a new multilateralism that places the common interests of humanity at the forefront. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Try to elaborate bit more on SAARC. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 5 years


·         Multilateralism has suffered retrenchment. The UN Security Council (UNSC) must be faulted for its egregious lack of action in March 2020 when China held the rotating post of the president.

·         Indin Prime Minister  stood out with his initiatives to develop a joint response. In bringing SAARC together to fight the pandemic, “our neighbourhood collaboration should be a model for the world”.

·         The need of the hour is to devise means that can deal more effectively with the illegal slaughter of exotic animals. Efforts must be made to strengthen the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), a multilateral treaty with more than 180 member countries.

·         There should be renewed focus not only on the illegal international trade that is already covered by CITES, but also the hazardous exploitation of exotic wildlife species within national borders.

·         The COVID-19 pandemic has brought across a home truth: Wealth is unable to protect even the most affluent people from a silent killer.

·         The outline of the post-COVID-19 era, particularly in relation to economic recovery, healthcare, and food security, is far from clear. The pandemic may serve to accentuate the rift between the USA and China.

·         With excellent long-term economic prospects in the decades ahead, a confident India appears fully capable of absorbing the shocks of the pandemic and striding forth to engage a world riven by trade wars and ideological contestation.


reign4518 5 years

Covid-19 situation exposed the weaknesses of multilateralism in the field of socio-economic cooperation.


India and G20 :

Prime minister of India in the recent G-20 summit said that human beings were needed to put in the centre of global prosperity and cooperation.He also called on the leaders to help usher in a new globalization,for the collective well-being of the humanity.

The above words by the honourable P.M notify the India's view towards collective effort and its strong desire to unify the nations.

India and SAARC :

India hosted a virtual SAARC conference and urged for the regional cooperation to fight the pandemic.A fund was created and all the countries donated for the cause.Thus India succeeded in bringing the countries together shows that India can do this on global platforms like United Nations,World Health Organization etc.


For bringing consensus among the fellow countries,India not only should propagate its ideology but also it should prove why it can bring the global consensus.It can be done in the following ways :


Yoga is one of the best practices in India and its proved that yoga can help in stress management which is the need of the hour.India can share it practices among the nations thereby raising trust on India among global countries.

Generic Medicine and Ayurveda :

India is the largest exporter of generic medicine.Generic medicine is cheaper and it benefits millions of population across the globe.Exporting the medicine result in building faith on India by the nations.

Also,ayurveda which has less side affects when compared to allopathy is the field where India already mastered.Sharing info on ayurveda can help India to bring the countries together for collective effort.

Recently,India exported Hydroxychloroquine to the needy countries and upheld its principle Vasudaivaka Kutumbakam.

These examples can say that India can take lead in bringing the world together and India has to enhance the information delivery which is useful for the world for achieving the objective i.e. bringing global consensus.

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

vivek attri 5 years

Please review,

Thank you.

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to underline the key points. Try to specify the relations between India and SAARC, BIMSTEC. Keep Writing.



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