
05/03/2019 - Renewable Energy

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March 05, 2019

Rooftop solar programme for urban residential consumers is curcial towards achieving rooftop solar targets by 2022. Examine  (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        India has set an ambitious target of achieving 40 GW of rooftop solar capacity by 2022.

·        While there has been progress on rooftop solar installations among industries and commercial consumers, the uptake among residential consumers has been slow.

·        Urban residential electricity consumers are still hesitant to consider rooftop solar power as they don’t have enough information about it, according to a 2018 study by the World Resources Institute.

·        Most of the technical information provided by various sources, including the government, tends to be Internet-based. 

·        High costs of installation hinder the efficiency of programme.

·        Lacks affordability for people and free electricity connections by Government over shadows the importance of rooftop solar power.

For better access to solar power

·        Devising simple, well-designed and creative ways to disseminate information is important to help consumers make informed decisions. Information must be made easily available to the consumers on the amount of shadow-free roof area needed for generating a unit of electricity and pricing; operating the system, after-sales maintenance and support; and reliable rooftop solar vendors.

·        The local electricity linesmen, electricity inspectors, and other nodal officials in the electricity department also have key roles to play.

·        Objective information must be put out through various avenues, so that it is accessible to all segments of the population and in local languages.

·        A robust feedback mechanism can be put in place for consumers to share their experiences with others.

·        Consumer rights groups, rooftop solar system vendors, and resident welfare associations (RWAs) in larger cities are beginning to organise campaigns and workshops to generate awareness and create a dialogue with consumers. 

Rooftop solar energy by urban residential consumers increase the fair share installed capacity of solar power contrivuting towards achieving the goals mention in INDC submitted by India.




Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try including about lack of affordability, high installation costs etc. Keep Writing.

Arjun pandian 6 years

Review this

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try including points like lack of affordability, high costs of installation etc. Keep Writing.

AP 6 years


IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try including about better dissemination of information to consumers. Keep Writing.



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