
05/05/2021 - International Relations

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May 05, 2021

In various ways, consequences of the pandemic will shape the content and conduct of India’s foreign policy. Examine (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Being boxed in a China-dominated region will provide New Delhi with little space to pursue its regional, geopolitical ambitions except in the Indo-Pacific region.

·        COVID-19, will prevent any ambitious military spending or modernisation plans  and limit the country’s attention on global diplomacy and regional geopolitics.

Shaping the foreign policy

·        From competing with China’s vaccine diplomacy, New Delhi today is forced to seek help from the international community, to deal with the worsening COVID-19 situation at home.

·        While the United States seemed hesitant, at least initially, to assist India even as the pandemic was wreaking havoc in the country.

·        Even though New Delhi did not accept the aid offers from Pakistan and China, these offers sounded more than the usual diplomatic grandstanding that states engage in during natural calamities.

·        The pandemic would, at the very least indirectly, impact India’s policy of maintaining strategic autonomy.

·        The strategic consequences of the pandemic are bound to shape and structure New Delhi’s foreign policy choices as well as constrain India’s foreign policy agency.

·        New Delhi might do well to get the region’s collective focus on ‘regional health multilateralism’ to promote mutual assistance and joint action on health emergencies.



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