For Mahatma Gandhi, nationalism was based on a practical understanding of what was required for the people to be free from the clutches of British rule. Justify (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 5 years
Nationalism, a practical approach
· The policy of Struggle-Truce-Struggle (STS) was a no-win situation for British, at the same time it gave people enough time to regroup and fight back British
· Gandhi’s nationalism was inclusive, especially participation of women.
· It did not see the nation as standing above the people, an entity for which the people only made sacrifices; rather, the nation was to improve the living conditions of the people.
· Gandhi was also clear that capitalism as we know it, for which he used the term “the English system”, could not serve such a nation. It was incompatible with the people’s freedom.
· He wanted a different economic system altogether, where the capitalists could at best be the “trustees” of people’s property.
· Gandhi’s solution to the problem of unemployment was a restraint on the rate of technological change, which of course was impossible under capitalism in its spontaneity.
· The importance of charakha showed the simplicity and self-reliance to people and enabled people to understand the ideological hegemony of British.
· But Gandhi did not advocate state-imposed restrictions towards this end. He wanted instead a voluntary consumerism that always privileges technologically-sophisticated goods.
· He wanted the development of a “community” among the people so that one’s “brother” the weaver can get employment, a “community” where every person sees his or her well-being as dependent upon that of others.
Deepesh 5 years
Please provide the key points for this answer. Thanks
IAS Parliament 5 years
We will provide the answer as soon as possible. Keep following.
Anu 5 years
Kindly review. Thank you.
IAS Parliament 5 years
Try to stick to word limit and include about principle of Struggle-truce-struggle principle. Keep Writing.
hema 5 years
Kindly review thank you
IAS Parliament 5 years
Try to include about participation of people from all aspects of life, gender equality and participation of women, Struggle-truce-struggle principle and try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.
DHARU 5 years
IAS Parliament 5 years
Try to include about participation of people from all aspects of life, gender equality and participation of women, Struggle-truce-struggle principle and try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.