
05/10/2021 - Environment

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October 05, 2021

Brazil’s success in biofuels can be replicated in India to combat air pollution and reduce dependence on imported oil. Explain (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The continued use of fossil fuels for addressing the world’s energy needs is leading to rapid depletion of natural resources and a simultaneous increase in environmental pollution.

·        The  2021 Report of the World Biogas Association estimates that around 105 billion tonnes of organic waste is generated every year, which can be used to produce biofuels.

·        Through its ethanol programme, São Paulo, the largest Brazilian city, witnessed a 50 per cent reduction in particulate emissions despite nearly doubling its car fleet.

·        Ethanol has reduced Brazil’s dependence on imported oil and substituted almost 50 per cent of petrol with ethanol.

·        India launched the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) scheme in 2003. With concerted efforts by the government over the past seven years, the production of fuel-grade ethanol touched three billion litres in Ethanol Supply Year 2020-21.

·        Using biofuels for sustainable mobility can help in addressing three of the biggest challenges of the 21st century  climate change, air pollution in large cities, and high dependence on imported oil.

Key areas for cooperation

·        At a household level, bioethanol can facilitate clean cooking. At the industry level, ethanol fuel cells can complement hydrogen fuel cells.

·        As agriculture is the backbone of emerging and developing economies, they stand to benefit from knowledge-sharing on practices for effective agricultural management.

Nivetha 3 years

please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Sanaa 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to provide  conclusion. Keep Writing.

Hina Katariya 3 years

India launched the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) scheme in 2003. Now have been set a target 10% for 2022 and 20% for 2025.


Biofuels can be made from agriculture waste and Biofuels are viewed as one of the solutions to  rapid depletion of natural resources and a simultaneous increase in environmental pollution.

1. Strengthened economy: 

Manufacturing biofuels will not only help us reducing pollution but as well boost our economy because rather than importing fuel manufacturing it will be less in the price plus it'll strength different field like agriculture, automobile etc. And india can save 4$ billion per annum . 

2. Climate: 

Climate change is world's one of current hot issues and according to WHO developing economies will be more at danger of environmental pollution. So does india . More cities in danger zone and natural resources are not enough for our population so using biofuels not only reduce air pollutants but help us to reach our goal with world 2 degrees carbon goal . 

3. Health: 

Reduction in aur pollution eventually help us in improvements in health sector. Due to polluted air different type of illness occurred Eyes and nose infection are most probably affect people health . And in current Covid 19 situation health is a current most important factor .

4. support: 

We can asked our other group support like BRICS member or UN climate change member because not only it'll help us to improve our environment but it'll reduce carbon level which is world's devloped and developing countries goal 

Way forward: 

India should learn from Brazil method . Even we both did launch this initiative in 2003 but Brazil did a marvelous job in this. We need more reforms like awareness,govt initiative like atmnirbhar bharat etc.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to provide example from Brazil's success. Keep Writing.

Priyanka Rastogi 3 years

Please review!

Thank you.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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