
05/11/2020 - Disaster Management

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November 04, 2020

How social capital can help deal with outcomes of the pandemic in better ways? Explain

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Social capital is the interpersonal relations, social networks, shared sense of identity and trust within a society.

·        We saw the social capital and collective resilience in action two years ago when one of the worst floods hit Kerala. During the rescue and relief operations, Keralites displayed a high level of intra- and inter-community trust and networking.

·        The tech-savvy people coordinated the rescue work through social media platforms, even though sitting in various parts of the globe. The local fishermen took their boats to flood-affected areas saving a large number of people. The local support groups that got formed specifically for the cause took care of food and accommodation of the affected people.

·        The social capital in Kerala was not built overnight. According to a study conducted in 1997-98, jointly by Uppsala University of Sweden, JNU and Utkal University, Odisha, Kerala has the highest social capital compared with other States.

·        Social network analysis in general studies the behaviour of the individual at the micro level, the pattern of relationships (network structure) at the macro level, and the interactions between the two.

Linking social capital

·        Within the bonding and bridging capitals, there are vertical connections across the power gradients in individuals, groups and organisations. These connections are often referred to as the linking social capital.

·        In an organisational context, the bonding capital will be the personal connect, feeling of psychological safety and trust the employees feel within their teams and the bridging capital is the relationships they have with members of other teams .

·        In a community where people have strong bonding social capital, bridging social capital and linking social capital, their collective resilience is higher compared to communities which lack social capital. Similarly, the leadership actions and strategy could easily be deployed through these networks when social capital is high.

·        So the social relationships, trusted connections, support groups, membership in community organisations and social awareness, collectively called social capital, has helped some countries and States deal with the pandemic in a better way.

Answer writing practice 4 years


kindly review my answer 

thank you 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about Kerala floods as a case study. Keep writing.



IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about Kerala floods and reduce the usage of flowcharts in the answerr. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback. Thank you Sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about Kerala floods in brief as a case study. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Wow sir, your points are really good after seeing this. I know these points buy while writing 250 words in 10 mins, kerala flood mgmt did not striking in my Mind. Is there any way? How you get these points strike in your mind at once while seeing the question Sir? Kindly help...

IAS Parliament 4 years

Keep writing answers consistently for better performance.



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