
05/12/2018 - Health

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December 05, 2018

Successful Cooperative federalism is the need of the hour for the effective implementation of National framework on nutrition. Analyze (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years

Level of nutrition in India

Global Nutrition Report 2018 points out the wide variation in stunting levels in different parts of the country. District-level data show high and very high levels of stunting mainly in central and northern India.

One-third of the world’s stunted children under five ,an estimated 46.6 million who have low height for age,live in India. 

Existing problems

·       The Anganwadi Services scheme, which incorporates the Integrated Child Development Services, caters to children up to age six, and to pregnant and lactating women has not worked well in several States.

·       Anganwadi workers are not paid enough to perform their duty; delay in payment of their salary affects the existing mechanisms.

·       According to Global nutrition report 2018, the quality of nutrition in packaged foods available to children, only 21% of these foods in India were rated as being healthy.

·       Targeted Public distribution system doesn’t focus well on diet diversification.

·       Because of social discrimination in ration shops nutritious food remains unaffordable for marginalized communities.


Cooperative federalism

·       Health is a state subject, as states are more dependent upon centre for financial resources; centre needs to back the poor performing states financially.

·       Monitoring and evaluation of nutritional schemes by centre should be incorporated.

·       Effective implementation of National Nutrition mission will strengthen cooperative federalism.

·       States should focus and invest more in public health facilities for proper diagnosis and treatment for malnutrition.

·       Proper implementation of SAMPADA yojana is crucial in giving quality packaged food.

Nandadeep 6 years

Please review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try not taking an extreme stand while writing an answer. Keep Writing

Akhil Reddy 6 years

Please Do Review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding on Cooperative Federalism. Keep Writing.



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