
06/03/2021 - Environment

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March 05, 2021

Analyse the initiatives that are taken by the government of India to reduce the carbon emission intensity. (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


Energy efficiency programmes

Ujala scheme for LED light bulbs

·        The switch from inefficient incandescent bulbs to LEDs is helping families reduce their electricity bills while also enabling them to access better brightness in homes.

·        The money saved adds to a household’s disposable income and lifetime savings, thus improving their quality of life.

Perform, Achieve and Trade scheme

·        According to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, PAT Cycle 1 has achieved more than 30 per cent of this targeted energy saving, along with an almost 2 per cent reduction in emissions.

·        For PAT Cycle 2, even if targets are more stringent, allowing the Energy Saving Certificates earned in Cycle 1 to be utilised would inject inefficiencies in the system.

Krishi Sinchayee Yojana for agriculture

·        Reduced the usage of ground water in various states

·        Increased the yield of crops with minimal water usage

·        Establishment of irrigation infrastructure in hinterlands.

Supercritical coal power plants

·        Reduced the emission of carbon-di-oxide.

·        Sulphur emission curbed in coal power plants.



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