In the context of Similipal forest fire, discuss the measures that are required to be taken to protect the forests from forest fire. (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 4 years
· Women Non-Tribal Forest Produce collectors can be trained to sweep fallen leaves under mahua trees
· Burn the fallen leaves in a controlled manner, which will prevent the fire entering forest areas.
· Local van suraksha samitis (forest protection committees) can be promised a reward if they manage to successfully prevent forest fire in their locality.
· At the same time, public oversight must be ensured the forest department gets to work and is accountable for the job.
· A state-level toll free number can also be used to inform the administration of fire occurrences.
· Forest fighters must be equipped with air blowers, vehicles and safety wire.
· The forest fire lines which are strips kept clear of vegetation, help break the forest into compartments to prevent fires from spreading.
tina 4 years
I have shorted my answer. Could you please review this? Thank you!
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include about the reasons for forest fire that are specific to Similipal forest, like collection of mahua flowers. Keep Writing.
tina 4 years