
06/04/2019 - Science and Technology

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April 06, 2019

India must communicate its peaceful intentions just as it showcases its capabilities. Explain in the context of Outer space treaty. (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        The Indian Space Research Organisation’s successful launch of the PSLV-C45 rocket that placed 29 satellites in three different orbits is remarkable both for the complex set of multi-tasking the mission accomplished and for the timing.

·        PSLV-C45 placed EMISAT, which can, aid in electronic intelligence, first spy satellite. 

·        The dexterity with which so many satellites, most of them American, were placed in three different orbits certainly showcases both the reliability and the expertise that ISRO offers. 

·        ISRO and the Defence Research and Development Organisation knocked out a satellite (MicroSAT-R) in a Low Earth Orbit with a direct hit.

India having ratified outer space which calls for

·        States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies.

·        the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

Mission Shakti brought out the problem of space debris and damage to satellites impinging on the principles of outer space treaty.

The UN Disarmament Commission, India expressed concern about the “weaponisation” of outer space, and sought collective action to secure space-based assets. 

India said it expects to play a role in the future in the drafting of international law on prevention of an arms race in space. This is morally and pragmatically in keeping with India’s power projection. 


Outer Space Treaty 1967

     It bars the nations to placing weapons of mass destruction in earth orbit, installing them on the moon or any other celestial body or otherwise stationing them in outer space. The treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons and kinetic bombardment is allowed.

       Outer Space Treaty formally known as Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration & use of outer space, including the moon and other Celestial bodies. India signed the treaty in 1967 and ratified it in 1982.

   India is world’s largest democratic country has no intention of entering an arms race in outer space. India is a party to all major international treaties relating to outer space. India participates all sessions of the UN committee on peaceful uses of outer space, India supports UNGA resolution 69/32 on no first placement of weapons on outer space also India supports Prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS) 1982.

   The vacuum created by the slow growth of the US and Russia on the space capabilities is being filled by China.   India must promote the convention on space for peace and cooperate in the field with other countries possibly China.

More importantly, engaging in and committing to the creation of a new space governance framework would project India as an agenda-setter in a field of increasing importance for international relations.

  India can promote the space for peace campaign in the organizations like BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China,South Africa),IBSA(Brazil,India,South Africa),SAARC(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)

The Outer Space Treaty celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2017.it might be a good time for India to start an active campaign for an upgrade in the space treaty.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding. Apply the intention of Outer space treaty to Mission Shakti and provide arguments. Keep Writing.



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