
06/07/2019 - Indian Economy

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July 06, 2019

What is meant by Public Good? Should the data of citizens need to be placed under the public good  by Government of India? Explain.(200 Words)

Refer - Press Information Bureau

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        A public good is a product that one individual can consume without reducing its availability to others and from which no one is deprived.

·        Examples of public goods include law enforcement, national defense, sewer systems, and public parks.

Data of citizens as public good

·        Creating data as a public good, especially of the poor and in the social sectors of the country, to unlock its benefit for larger betterment of Society. This is very important as private sector may not invest in harnessing data where it is not profitable.

·        Government already holds a rich repository of administrative, survey, institutional and transaction data about citizens, but these datasets scattered across various ministries.

·        The government can deliver a better experience to citizens by bringing disparate datasets together.

·        Utilizing the information embedded in these distinct data sets would inter-alia enable government to enhance ease of living for citizens, enable truly evidence-based policy, improve targeting in welfare schemes, integrate fragmented market, bring greater accountability in public services and generate greater citizen participations in governance.



·        It is very important to consider the privacy implications and inherent fairness of data being used, data are generated by the people, and should be used for the people. Care must also be taken to not impose the elite’s preference of privacy on the poor, who care for a better quality of living the most.

·        It needs to be ensured that the socially optimum amount of data is harvested and used, the government needs to step in, either by providing the data itself or correcting the incentive structure faced by the private sector.

·        Given that sophisticated technologies already exist to protect privacy and share confidential information, governments can create data as a public good within the legal framework of data privacy.

·        The data system envisioned in the Economic Survey involves predominantly data that people share with government bodies with fully informed consent or the data that is legally sanctioned to be collected by the state for an explicit purpose.  

·        Through Aadhaar, India has been at the forefront of the data and technology revolution that is unfolding. Going forward, the data and information highway must be viewed as equally important infrastructure as the physical highways.

·        Such a stance can help India leapfrog to utilize the benefits of technological advances for the welfare of its people.



Santosh kulkarni 6 years

Kindly review. Thanks.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Should the data remain under public good or not ? Provide arguments based on your view. Challenges not needed. Keep writing.

Sai Sri Dasaroju 6 years

Evaluate please

Thank you

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Definition and reasons for government to keep data as a public good is enough. Keep writing.

sarvan kumar 6 years

evaluate please

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try to mention about role of private sector. Keep Writing.

Priya 6 years

Kindly review my anwer. 

Thank you 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include about role of private sector, privacy of data, underline the key points. Keep Writing.



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