
06/07/2021 - History

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July 06, 2021

Syama Prasad Mookherji’s vision strengthened Indian Nationalism and guided the people towards unified India. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Mookerjee had witnessed the social and economic consequences of colonial oppression and the repercussions of the attacks on Indian culture and values.

·        he represented Calcutta University at the Universities of the British Empire conference. he became the youngest vice-chancellor of Calcutta University. His innovative administration built the ecosystem to help fulfil the aspirations of young knowledge seekers.

·        supported the elimination of the communal divide imposed by the British through an institutional framework.

·        His strong reaction to the communal politics of the Muslim League and other anti-national and disruptive forces resulted in his active association with the All India Hindu Mahasabha. He emphasised the Hindu values of tolerance and communal respect.

·        Mookerjee then devoted himself whole-heartedly to the cause of refugees and made extensive tours for their relief and rehabilitation.

·        During the first general election in 1951-52, the Praja Parishad Party and the Jana Sangh led by Mookerjee adopted a stand similar to Ambedkar’s, asking for the state to be brought fully under the Constitution of India by repealing Article 370.

·        It was due to the struggle of Mookerjee and Master Tara Singh that half of Punjab and Bengal continued to remain an integral part of India.

·        Mookerjee’s affiliation with the Maha Bodhi Society was also a remarkable one. As president of the society, he contributed greatly to strengthening India’s cultural ties with other nations.



Abdul hakkim 4 years

Please review mam/sir 


IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to relate with contributions of Dr. B. R. Ambedhkar. Keep Writing.

Priyanka Rastogi 4 years

Please provide feedback.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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