
06/11/2020 - Health

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November 05, 2020

The pandemic has signalled that strong immunity and adequate nutrition are two key pillars that determine the severity of a disease. Examine (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·         India continues to be in ‘serious’ hunger category, and is home to 14% of the world’s undernourished population. The country ranks 94th among 107, and is a poor performer in the BRICS high table. It is also behind its South Asian neighbours like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia and Nepal, among many others.

·         There has been a notable reduction in the under-five mortality rate—down to 3.7% in 2020 from 9.2% in 2000. However, we are getting worse in terms of wasting amongst young children—it implies that Indian kids are too thin for their height.

·         Schemes such as the Mid-Day Meal and the Integrated Child Development Services operate in a symbiotic fashion, with coordinated efforts from concerned ministries. As high as 90% of the 23.5 crore ration cards have been digitised and linked to Aadhaar numbers of at least one family member.

·         Moreover, soon the ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ policy shall be fully adopted, which would help not just in protecting the interests of poor and migrant beneficiaries, but also in capturing identity fraud.

·         India recently launched the Eat Right India and Fit India movements to encourage a shift in lifestyle, and nudge the countrymen towards instilling physical fitness into their daily routines. There has been a rapid jump in the consumption of processed and ready-to-eat food products not just in urban but also in rural areas.

·         This is largely due to their lower prices and easy availability even at mom-and-pop stores and online. In view of the rapidly rising rates of obesity and cardiovascular diseases, India has now publicly committed to eliminate trans fatty acids from its food systems by 2022.

·         All-out efforts have been made to promote both production and consumption of millets (now known as nutri-cereals), which are often seen as a poor man’s food. Consumer demand for these is being triggered by introducing them in the public distribution system and as part of nutri-gardens. These nutri-cereals are not just good for human health, but also for farmers’ welfare and planetary health.

·          Unless consumers engage and participate with full spirit in such schemes or interventions, the goal of having a healthy, productive and nutritionally secure India might be difficult to attain.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback. Thank you sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include about integrated child development scheme 1976, eat right campaign. Keep writing.


Harsh 4 years

Is my answer fulfilling the demand of the question??

Please review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to stick to word limit and include about eat right campaign. Need more analysis, give a brief picture about malnutrition in india. Keep writing.



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