
06/12/2021 - Environment

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December 06, 2021

Government of India needs to find long lasting solutions to the problem of man-animal conflicts. Substantiate (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The death of five elephants, four of them cows, caused by trains colliding with them, and all within a week, has again highlighted the gaps in efforts to reduce man-animal conflicts in the country.

·        A reply by the Project Elephant division of the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in May to a set of RTI questions highlighted reasons other than natural causes as having led to the killing of 1,160 elephants over 11 years ending December 2020;

·        Installing hanging solar-powered fences, as has been planned in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and planting citronella and lemon grass, as done in Golaghat district, Assam, to deter elephants are some of the large-scale options.

·        The authorities should ensure that there are no illegal electric fences or barbed wire fences, which, instead, can be replaced with the solar powered ones.

·        The critical role elephants play in biodiversity conservation must be highlighted, especially to those living in areas close to elephant corridors.

·        The Environment Ministry and Ministry of Railways should also expedite proposals for elevated wildlife crossings or eco-bridges and underpasses for the safe passage of animals.

·        A finding of the C&AG was that after the construction of underpasses and overpasses in the areas under the jurisdiction of East Central and Northeast Frontier Railways, there was no death reported.


Susmitha T 3 years

Please review 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Try to include about Plan bee. Keep Writing.

K. V. A 3 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good answer. Keep Writing.



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