
07/02/2022 - International Relations

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February 07, 2022

Since the central asian region remains significant in India’s strategic thinking, the engagement with the region remains crucial. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        India has limited economic and other stakes in the cental asian region, primarily due to lack of physical access.

·        India’s mission Central Asia today reflects, and is responsive to, the new geopolitical, if not the geo-economic, realities in the region.

·        The decline of American presence and power in the broader region (due primarily to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan) has led to a reassertion by China and Russia seeking to fill the power vacuum.

·        India’s engagement of Central Asia would also help it to consolidate its post-American Afghan policy. U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has landed India in a major dilemma – it has very limited space to engage Taliban 2.0 despite the current relationship whose future depends on a number of variables.

·        An even bigger challenge for India may be Iran. India’s best shot at reaching the CARs is by using a hybrid model – via sea to Chabahar and then by road/rail through Iran (and Afghanistan) to the CARs.

·        India’s ongoing outreach to Iran and the now-postponed visit of the Iranian foreign minister to New Delhi help repair some of the damage done to the relationship over the years.


Shivaani Jayaraman 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to mention about strategic dimension. Keep Writing.



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