Despite the shift towards renewable energy sources, coal energy remains critical for push towards electrification and dominates the energy mix of India. Justify (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Raj 6 years
Kindly Review. Thanks!!
IAS Parliament 6 years
answer. Keep Writing.
VIkas 6 years
india is still in its developing phase and during this phase the demand for energy goes up.and specifically in case of india demand for energy is very high because india is having second largest population of the world and soon it will bypass china to get rank 1 in population .despite india's effort to move towards the renewable energy reseouces coal resources still remains the dominant for electification because of the following reasons.
1. lack of investement in renewable energy field.
2. renewable energy sources like solar energy need day light for many hours which is not available at all places.
3. installement and maintanance of the renewable sources like wind ,solar is very high.
4. although central and various state goverment are providing subcidies for solar panel still many people are unable to afford it.
5. renewable energy sources are dependent upon weather for the good performance( for eg-solar and wind) thus it is not reliable source.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Need better understanding.Try giving justification for use energy from Coal not the disadvantages of renewable energy. Keep Writing
Ashok 6 years
Kindly check the news's directing to some other article.pls rectify it.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Thank you for bringing it to our notice. It has been fixed. Keep following.