In the context of challenges of Artificial intelligence, Government of India needs to set up an oversight mechanism for ethical AI. Discuss (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
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IAS Parliament 4 years
· Google apologised last year had to apologise after its Vision AI showed indications of bias, classifying a thermometer held by a dark-skinned hand as a gun.
· In 2015, an algorithm used by Amazon for hiring favoured men over women.
· In India, the police have started using facial recognition technology (FRT) which uses elements of machine learning and AI.
· A report by the Internet Freedom Foundation talks of 32 FRT systems getting installed in the country under Project Panoptic.
· An outlay of `1,063 crore, even though, in 2018, the Delhi Police counsel had told the Delhi High Court that FRT’s success rate was a mere 2%.
· NITI Aayog’s 2020 draft on Responsible AI can be a good start on ethical AI regulation.
· The draft recommends setting up an oversight body, borrowing from jurisdictions like the US, the UK and Singapore.
· While it states that self-regulation will be the best way forward, it recommends sector-specific regulation so that an insurance company and a police department are not subject to the same rules.
tina 4 years
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include some specific example for challenges in AI. Keep Writing.
tina 4 years
Manak chand 4 years
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include some examples for challenges regarding AI, advantages of AI are not required. Keep Writing.
Please review..
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to provide examples regarding challenges of AI. Keep Writing.