Electric mobility is not the only solution to handle air pollution in India. Comment (200 Words)
Refer - Livemint
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
MAHENDRA 6 years
Sir please review...
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to cut short the conclusion part, underline the key points, mention about the role of public transportation. Keep Writing.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· Bharat Stage 3 (BS3) vehicles and below needs to be scrapped immediately, irrespective of age. In one stroke, close to 40% of all the 300 million vehicles on the roads will be gone.
· But the government wants none of it, as its own fleets would need scrapping. Imagine the manufacturing upsurge, and all it would mean for employment and growth in consumption. Yet, there’s no “vehicle scrappage policy".
· Assuring top-notch public transport in India’s top 24 cities. A multi-modal grid of trains, buses, taxis, three-wheelers and two-wheelers could achieve this.
· Disruptive thought and action would be needed to make the status-conscious Indian adopt public transport as an act of responsibility rather than sacrifice. Allocate higher budgetary resources to public transport as a central programme, as was done for the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission in 2005.
· Incentivize the manufacture and purchase of public transport vehicles through lower GST and cheaper loans. Encourage greater use of public transport among citizens through redemption and loyalty programmes. Get all organizations with more than 100 employees to use bus fleets.
· Decongesting the 60 top smart cities. They constitute almost 90% of our vehicular population and thus vehicular pollution. We also need to focus on smoother traffic flow, better parking management and pedestrian movement.
· Decongestion, like road safety, could be adopted as a cause by the government as well as corporate houses. A few friends of mine in oil companies estimate that close to 12% of vehicular fuel is wasted on idling and traffic snarls.
· To address this, expand the traffic police strength by four-five times in over-jammed cities. Create and mandate dedicated parking spots for shared mobility services. Create vast grids of pedestrian skywalks. Let the private sector operate multi-level parking lots.
Encouraging use of bicycles, feeder services for metro trains would reduce the usage of personal vehicles.
Vandana 6 years
Kindly review my answer
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Try to cut short introduction part. Keep writing.
Vishwanth Adhepalli 6 years
Kindly review the answer!
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
harshita 6 years
please review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Try to include about BS norms. Keep writing.