
08/12/2018 - Health

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December 08, 2018

Despite challenges, vaccination programme in India has been designed successfully to ensure the safety of the children from life threatening diseases. Examine (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Vaccination programme in India

Universal Immunization Programme in 1985, six vaccines (BCG, OPV, DPT and typhoid-paratyphoid vaccines)were introduced; these vaccines are available free of cost under UIP. India is free from the crippling disease of Polio. India’s current under-five mortality rate is 45 per 1000 live births against the MDG target of 42.

The immunization programme has been put on the fast track under mission Indradhanush to increase its coverage to 90 per cent by 2018 with the commitment to reach a situation where no child died from Vaccine Preventable Diseases.

Challenges in the vaccination programme

India faces a threefold challenge:

·       Low full immunization coverage (65 per cent).

·       Limited basket of vaccines.

·       Issues regarding quality and logistics of vaccine management for such a vast and diverse country.

Measures  taken to overcome the challenges

·       Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) that aims to reach those rural and urban slums that have under-performed regions.

·       The Government has initiated an SMS based electronic vaccine intelligence network (e- VIN) to enable real-time monitoring of vaccine stocks.

·     e-VIN (Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network) is an indigenously developed technology system in India that digitizes vaccine stocks and monitors the temperature of the cold chain through a Smartphone application. 

·     Sharper focus on surveillance activities and to create partnerships with states, community-level departments and ministries for grassroots implementation and monitoring. 

Pragathi 6 years

Please review it


Good answer... add some more points too

IAS Parliament 6 years

Challenges part has been missing; try including few points about Universal immunization programme 1985. Keep Writing



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