
10/03/2022 - Governance

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March 10, 2022

Do you think that eradicating bribes will attract foreign direct investment for India? Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - Business Line

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Businesses have an amoral view towards bribery and tend to treat bribes as a cost of doing business.

·        The US’ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act imposes penalty on firms who make bribery payments overseas for business purposes.

·        Although enacted in 1977, vigorous enforcement really picked up after about 2015. This has proven to be a challenge for multinational enterprises who follow the rules of their home country and also try to conform to host country practices.

·        Ministers may love the talk of wanting a clean environment but enjoy the ‘commissions’ they skim off the top.

·        The study also supports the argument made by US companies that the FCPA puts them at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis other countries that don’t enforce such rules against their companies.

·        For many countries climbing up the rankings of World Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing Business’ was an incentive to clean up their act and fix obvious problems that were a deterrent to foreign investors.

·        studies like the one discussed here will be a good substitute to motivate governments that they cannot stick merely to tax incentives and public relations if they want to encourage foreign direct investments.



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